24. Mothers Know Best

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"I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets. 

To carry love, to carry children of our own."

Neteyam's POV

My sister and Eiwa are well now. They had been forced to rest and stay off almost all activities for the last four days, which both had many complaints about. Everyone seems to have moved on from the whole thing, but there's something about what had happened that bothers me. It is the same uneasy feeling I had before the last battle in the forest. I sense something, but maybe it is just my restless brain doing its thing again, worrying about unnecessary things.

"'Tey," Eiwa's voice snapped me out of my trance. "Neteyam."

I turned to her, "Hm?"

"I almost forgot. Tuk told me earlier that your Mum wanted to talk to you," she said.


She raised both her shoulders, "You gotta talk to her to know that."

"But it's only been five minutes," I groaned.

"Actually—" Eiwa started, but I was quick to stop her words with a peck on the lips.

"I know, time just flies fast when I'm with you," I told her. I knew it has been an hour over that we spent walking through the forest, but so what?

Eiwa stared at me as if I had just eaten some sort of worm that is still alive. She was never into all that cheesy stuff. She opened her mouth, about to say something.

"No, it's not cheesy. It's true," I clarified, giving her a smile.

"Well, I didn't say it was," she looked away, a slight change of color on her cheeks was quite visible.

"You were about to," I confidently said.

"Love your confidence, but I believe your Mother is still waiting for you," Eiwa reminded.

"And who's fault is that again?" I raised a brow.

"Partially mine," she responded sheepishly. "That's why you gotta go now." She pushed me towards the end of the forest. "And don't blame me. I am just a slow messenger."

I chuckled. "You mean forgetful?"


"My boy," Mum smiled as I went into the cot. "You kept me waiting for quite a while."

I scratched the back of my head, "Yeah. Sorry, I was taking my daily walk around the forest."

"I never thought my son would lie to me," she frowned.

"But I was," I defended.

"C'mon Netty, I know it's not your first time with a girl," she raised her brows and smirked.

I widened my eyes, "How do you know? And is this what you called me for?"

She looked away and suppressed a smile, "Maybe. I am just curious as to what my son is feeling for this girl that I just so happen to like and approve of for my son."

I smiled, "Approve of?"

She nodded, "But now I need to know if I approve of you for her."

"C'mon, I'm your son!"

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