13. Not-So-Friendly

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"Baby, will you kiss me already?"

Third person POV

Without realizing, a week had passed. The newcomers of the Metkayina clan were beginning to get used to their new life. None of them felt the sense of belonging yet though, especially Kiri. Eywa and Neteyam had been spending more time together, while Lo'ak is too occupied by his new interest. Kiri was left with Tuk. She had made friends with Rotxo and a few of the locals, but she still felt lonely. Actually, she doesn't really know what it was she was feeling.

Ever since the first day, she had felt more connected to Eywa. But disconnected from the others.

"Kiri," Eiwa sat beside her.

"Hey," Kiri smiled weakly.

Eiwa frowned, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Kiri quickly answered, "Just a bit– I don't know."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Eiwa furrowed her brows in concern.

Kiri shook her head, "Sorry."

"Don't be! We've only known each other for 2 weeks anyway, so it's understandable" Eiwa brushed it off. "But if you do want to talk," Eiwa placed a hand on Kiri's shoulder, "I'll be more than happy to listen."

Kiri smiled, "Thank you. Oh! I do want to know something though."

"What?" Eiwa turned to her in anticipation.

"What's up with you and my brother?" Kiri raised an eyebrow.

Eiwa stiffened at the question, but tried to keep it cool. "Nothing is up with your brother and I. We're just friends. Like you and I."

Kiri rolled her eyes, "Eiwa, it's so obvious that there is something between you two. Don't try to hide it from me."

"There really is nothing going on," Eiwa told her. "I promise I'll tell you if there is."

"So there is something between you two," Kiri beamed.

Eiwa opened her mouth but closed it again. "That's literally the opposite of what I said."

"You wouldn't have promised to tell me when there is something in the first place, if nothing is going on between you and Neteyam," she rambled.

"What?" Eiwa furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Never you mind," Kiri grinned. "So what? You like him?"


"My brother of course," Kiri rolled her eyes.

"No– I– I don't know," Eiwa admitted sincerely.

Kiri suppressed a smile, "You don't know?"

Eiwa blushed, "Yes, I don't know. It's confusing, alright? I've only ever watched movies about these things."

"Ooh! I love movies," Kiri beamed at the word.

"You know what they are?"

She rolled her eyes, "Of course, I know. Norm's got some in the lab."


"You remember that human you saw speaking to my dad before the ceremony in the forest? That's Norm," Kiri explained. "Now, what's your favorite movie?"

"Umm... I really like Me Before You," Eiwa answered. "There's a lot more but that's the first thing that came to my mind."

Kiri opened her mouth, speechless for a second, "But– but the guy dies."

"It's still a good movie," Eiwa defended. "And I like movies that make me cry."

"You're weird," Kiri shook her head.

Eiwa chuckled, "What about yours?"

"Hmm, let's see," Kiri thought about it for a moment. "Oh! I know. The Other Woman. But the original one with Cameron Diaz in it. It's really old, I don't know if you—"

"Are you kidding?" Eiwa grinned. "I love Cameron Diaz and I like that movie too! One of the best comedy movies."

"Right?" Kiri agreed. "But, back to my brother."

Eiwa sighed in defeat, "I was hoping you'd forget that."


Eiwa's POV

It's been another week since Kiri and I had the conversation that made me realize that I may like Neteyam. I used to think I was romance-proof, but it turns out it only took me two weeks to like a guy. Neteyam had only made it worse by flirting rather obviously on almost a daily basis. And he was having fun with it. I've been trying to get him back by doing the same, but he always beats me to it.

I watched Neteyam as we were making rattan baskets for Neytiri, who had requested our help while she went to help Ronal who had experienced a sudden pain in her pregnant stomach. Jake and Tonowari were out hunting, while Tuk had asked Kiri to bring her around on an ilu. Lo'ak was obviously with Tsireya. So it was just Neteyam and I.

"Could you—-" I stopped when I saw how focused Neteyam was with his current basket. I leaned forward towards him to reach for the knife on his side. Neteyam looked at me and I realised that our faces were just two inches away. I caught him looking down on my lips and smirked, seeing this as a good chance to get him back. I purposely stayed like that for a while, before raising the knife out and going back to my initial position, "Just wanted to get this," I smiled innocently.

He looked down, clearly flustered. My smile turned into a smirk, "What did you think it was?"

I placed the knife down and leaned forward again, looking at him. I trailed my fingers on the sides of his arm, but kept my eyes on his. He looked in my eyes this time, and I began to feel a hand on mine. I felt his breath get heavier and decided to stop before anything else happens. I grinned and pulled away, but he pulled me back by the hand, causing me to let out a surprised gasp.

"You think you got me?" he smirked as he leaned forward closer and closer. Well, this backfired. I felt my breath hitch as our position switched. I was sitting now, while he was the one leaning into me. He didn't stop until I had my elbows on the floor to support my upper body with him hovering over me. He gently rubbed my thighs with one hand. A sensation I did not know I would like so much. I breathed in deeply, earning a smile from him. "Don't test me, darling." He went back to his spot and returned to his basket.

Suddenly I regretted everything that I did earlier, because I was definitely blushing hard. And he saw it. Trying to compose myself, I proceed with my basket as well.

That was certainly a not-so-friendly thing to happen between friends. 

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