Chapter 2: Warning and Reunion

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3rd person's POV

In Elysium, two of the Arch Deity Empresses and most of generals were in a meeting discussing about Kurayami's escape. But the only ones who weren't there were Kurayami's believers: His wife Alice Trinity, Hatsu, Yasha, Asura, Augus, Gandorf, X, Zero, Arceus, Optimus, Megatron, Light Rise, Darkfall and Lucifer Morningstar. And the CPU Goddesses who were still injured by Kurayami.

Pneuma : So... he escaped... I knew it was bound ot happend sooner or later.

Deus: And he managed to defeat Neptune and her group......How is that possible? If he broke the seal his powers should have took awhile to recover.

Pneuma : ... Could he have overpowered the seal... or... his powers grew when he was captured...

Diana: Or someone broke the seal and activated his powers.

Pneuma : Maybe...

Olga: Tch......This is all that traitor's fault. If we haven't listened to them, we wouldn't have imprisoned Kurayami and Ashton.

Pneuma : Olga ! ... You're not completely wrong I guess.

Pneuma sighed as she looked at her left side at the seat her youngest sister originally sat as she turned to Diana.

Pneuma : No words from her ?

Diana: No, she still hates and resents us for what we did to her husband.

Pneuma : ... I should have known.

Wyzen: Forget her! We have bigger problems! Like: The Supreme Omni Deity of War, Peace, Domination, Chaos and Hope aka the OMNI MAFIEN!!!

Everyone's eyes widen in fear minus Pneuma and Diana. They know what the Omni Mafien are like and if they found out what they did he'll certainly NOT be happy. They hope he doesn't find out for what they did to his son...Kurayami.

Pneuma : ......

Diana could feel fear within her sister and she couldn't blame her because they know what the Omni Mafien is like when he is enraged.

Pneuma : Not good.

She sighs as she hopes that the Omni Mafien doesn't find out about this but unknown to them he already does know but doesn't bother confronting them because he believes his son has this.

Deus: We should-

Just then IF(Neptunia) came in with a panicked look.

Just then IF(Neptunia) came in with a panicked look

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Pneuma : IF ?

IF: M-My ladies! One of my spy cams found Kurayami and Ashton!

Pneuma : Really ?

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