Chapter 8: There is always a way

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3rd person's POV

Kurayami groaned and slowly opened his eyes to see he's in a world of complete Darkness.

Kurayami: This place...

All around him was nothing but darkness for miles and miles, as far as the eye could see and this wasn't the first time that Kurayami had been in such a place.

He knew this place, it was very familiar to him.

???: Hello, Kurayami.

Kurayami turned his head to see someone he never saw in a long time.

Kurayami turned his head to see someone he never saw in a long time

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Kurayami: still doing this whole gimic?

Kurayami sighed as he looked at... himself.

Kurayami: Jeez, I'm sure damn ugly. Maybe that's of all the shit I've been through

The other Kurayami chuckled before turning into a large shadow flame and it dispersed to reveal a large man covered in shadows and was wearing armour. This was Ashborn, the Shadow Monarch.

???: I can't tell if you said that to make me change or if you actually were disgusted with your appearance

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???: I can't tell if you said that to make me change or if you actually were disgusted with your appearance.

Kurayami; I'm more disgusted and pissed that you stopped me from having my revenge on that whore that made my sister go crazy.

Ashborn let out a small sigh

Ashborn: Kurayami, you and I both know that there's a very good reason to why I didn't let you do that...

Kurayami: Because more and more enemies will come after me!? I don't care about that! That Fucking whore murdered the Yama I once knew!

Ashborn: And you think murdering her will bring her back? Sure you will get your revenge but will you be able to get the Yama you once knew?... no

Kurayami glared at the Shadow Monarch.

Ashborn: Be glad your sister is alive and-

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