Chapter 4: The Black Mountain

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3rd person's POV

Kurayami was seen in the hot springs unconscious after a hard battle with some death dragons until his eyes snapped open and he looked around and saw he was in the hot springs.

Kurayami: What?! Where am I? Where's Delta?

He looked around.

???: Hahahaha!

Kurayami turned his head to see a man, he instantly knew and he looked to see the one man he's been looking for.....The Black Mountain Emperor, Ancalagon.

The Black Mountain Emperor, Ancalagon

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Ancalagon: About time you woke up

Kurayami: Ancalagon....

Ancalagon: Can't handle a fall from the Heavens. You lack training!

Kurayami narrowed his eyes, hes gotta be careful. Ancalagon was gonna be a tough opponent.

Ancalagon: Relax, son. Enjoy every moment! *sits down* You fight, then eat good food. You fight, then drink fine wine. You fight, then sleep with beautiful women. Hell, fight with beautiful women! *chuckles* That is what it means to live.

Kurayami was very confused, why was Ancalagon so...chill?

He was the cruellest, sadistic, psychopath, ruthless and much more that viewed life as a challenge and a never ending battle......How much did Kurayami miss when he was in prison?

Better question is, should he trust him?

Ancalagon: Sit, I know you have tons of question what happened all these years when you were prison such as why your brother Kenji is with the Worm and doesn't remember you.

Kurayami narrowed his eyes as he slowly sat down, he still didn't trust Ancalagon but if he has answers to his questions thsn he can't refuse.

Kurayami: Where's Delta?

Ancalagon: The wolf girl? She's fine, I prepared a feast for her to eat.

Kurayami: Why are you being so...kind?

Ancalagon; I haven't seen my student and host for so many years so I decided to give you a welcome back celebration.

Kurayami: Okay then?

Ancalagon looked at the entrance and made a gesture before looking Kurayami and signalled him to look and he did that.

Ancalagon looked at the entrance and made a gesture before looking Kurayami and signalled him to look and he did that

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