Chapter 7: The Shadow Monarch

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3rd person's POV

Kurayami was seen holding his daggers and glaring down at Y/N Deus who was missing his lower half of his body, his right arm and his chest plate was opened as electric static on his body and was slowly regenerating.

Kurayami: You really think, you can beat me, you piece of scrap metal?

Y/N Deus : No... But I can protect others from you !

A shadow wall appears behind Kurayami as metal shards tried to stab him and they got swallowed by the darkness of the wall.

Kurayami: I saw that coming. And.

All the other metals weapons and shards tried to attack him but Kurayami used Ruler's Authority to make them stop and they turned into dust.

Kurayami: You and the others keep underestimating me, Ashton and Satori.

Y/N Deus : Do we ?

Kurayami: How many soldiers you sent died by our hands? Her champion Rex, Nia, Morag, Zeke and the others died by Ashton and look at you, you're slowly regenerating. You know.....Pneuma is carelessly sending her friends to their deaths and that's what made Kanzaki leave her.

Y/N Deus : You fool. You'll only create more hate and-

Kurayami: *stabs his dagger near his face* No, she will and you know I'm right.....You have a child on the way don't you? How would Brighid feel that her own husband died leaving her to raise their own child and would blame it on Pneuma?

Y/N Deus : Hate... works in... both way... You're... gonna destroy more than you realise !

Kurayami: *sighs* I'm wasting my time.....I'll let you live since I ain't the kind of guy to kill a guy that has a kid on the way but I have one question.....

Y/N Deus : What... could it... be...

Kurayami:......Who was responsible for turning my sister into a Psychopath?

Y/N Deus : I... Don't know... *struggle*

Kurayami: Don't fucking lie to me. Tell me, NOW.

Y/N Deus : I SWEAR !


Kurayami glanced to see someone he never thought he see again.

Kurayami: Ethel....

Kurayami: Ethel

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Ethel : The co... Deus is not lying. She did this in secret, behind everyone's back.

Kurayami:.............How do I know you're not lying?

Ethel : look at my outfit.

He looked and saw the divine symbol ripped off.

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