Chapter 5: Kagenou

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3rd person's POV

After Kyra saved Kurayami from his sister Yama, he and Delta were currently heading towards a kingdom to find a certain someone.


Kyra: You're going to the Kageno household.

Kurayami: The Kageno household? Why that one?

Kyra: Because there is someone that is the only that can help you gain most of your powers back and plus she's one of the toughest swordsman in her family after Cid.

Kurayami crossed his arms.

Kurayami: And who may this person be? Cause as far as I know, Cid is basically a monster incarnate

Kyra:.....Claire Kagenou.

Kurayami was silent as he never heard the name of his ex fiancé in years.


Kyra: Yeah...

Kurayami: You have to be kidding me, why her? I haven't talked to her for years!

Kyra: Look I know she hates you and you don't want to see her because of that but she is the only one that can help you.

Kurayami: *sighs!* Fine, I'll go.

Kyra: *places hand on shoulder* I'm sure things will work out... eventually

Kurayami: Mhm....

*End of Flashback*

Kurayami rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hands as he groaned in annoyance and anger, he hated this.

Delta: You okay, master?

Kurayami: I don't wanna do this Delta...

Delta: I know but Old Master's sister is the only one of the few that can help.

Kurayami: I know, but.... you know how I feel about her?

Delta: I know that but I'm sure she's gotten over it.

Kurayami: You mean where she told me I was selfish and cruel because I want to beat my own twin brother instead of caring how others and my fiancés feel before she dumped me?

Delta: Um...

Delta looked away trying to figure out a solution but Kurayami pats her head.

Kurayami: You don't have to make me feel better about myself, Delta because she was right that day.


She whimpers and hugs his arm and nuzzles it to comfort him.

Kurayami: *pats her* There, there

They eventually made it to the Kingdom and headed towards the house.

They eventually made it to the Kingdom and headed towards the house

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