Ready, Set, Bang.

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Draculoids were following us at full speed. Crap.

I wasn't going to be able to out run them, Neon had a head start, so as long as she got away. I braked hard making dirt fly up into the air and quickly whipped out my ray gun. Upon seeing me stop the Dracs did too, 5 of them got out of the car and began to shoot at me. I tried to find some sort of cover but the best I saw in this desert was a boulder. I ducked behind, hearing them get closer. As I prepared to fire again, Neon came back, she zoomed past me, taking aim at the Dracs, with her distracting them I was able to take 2 of them out, but I didn't notice another one coming out from the car. He took aim at Neon and seconds later I see her being thrown off her bike and pinned to the ground.

"No!" I yell and begin to run to her, not checking if it was even safe to leave me cover. I didn't care, because I had to make sure she was okay.

There were too many Dracs. There was no way we were going to get out of this. Just as I reached my friend, I feel someone hit me up against the head.

And I collapse to the ground. I wasn't unconscious, but I was completely disoriented. I couldn't lift my head. Neon was out cold but she was alive. Thank god.

"Party I got this side covered!" A guy yelled

My vision was blurred and all I could make out was 4 figures standing around the both of us.

"Ghoul! Kobra! Make sure they are alive!"

I feel a hand touch my neck, checking for a pulse.

"They are good!" I assumed it was Ghoul who was responding

I heard more yelling and guns being shot.

Party? Ghoul? Kobra?

Where had I heard these names before?

Then it clicked. The fabulous four had come to our rescue.

Well they damn should be, seeing as their reckless attitude got Neon and I into this mess in the first place. We always sneak in and out quietly.

I tried to get up, managing to only lift half my body, still, it was good enough. My vision had partially returned and I saw the four dueling with the Draculoids.

I have no idea what happened but when I blinked suddenly the Dracs and the fab four were now all lying on the ground.

Holy mother of . . . fuck the fuck?

Mother trucker!

Are they all dead?

I quickly forced myself up, dashing to them, well I actually stumbled a slowly because I was still disoriented. The Draculoids were dead, and the out of the fab four, only 3 were breathing. I looked at the guns as well, the Dracs had stun ray guns, I guess Korse wanted them alive. Why would he want them alive?

Then again he was always conducting new experiments.

Then I checked the guys.

The red head, which I assume is Party Poison because of his mask, had a faint heartbeat but he wasn't breathing.

Oh god, please breath.  I tapped him, hoping that he'd wake up. Oh come on Cat, cause that's going to help him, so I locked my mouth onto his and began to give him rescue breaths.

"Is he dead?" Neon's voice reached my ears

I quickly looked up at her and then pointed over to the unconscious guys.

"Help them. They just saved our asses." I resumed my rescue breaths until finally, he coughed and then groaned.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. If I were the cause of their deaths I might as well march myself to Battery city and surrender to Korse, because all the killjoys would be after my head.

Party began to breath but he was still unconscious, his head now rested on my lap. I took off his mask.

Lord almighty was he stunning.

His eyes were closed and his chest slowly rose up and down. He locked so peaceful. It's obvious that this flaming red hair wasn't his natural color, but his pale skin still fit perfectly. 

Hmm..... black. I'm going to guess thats what it was before he changed it.  

Was he the one with the eyes? 

I gently brushed away a strand of hair that fell on to his face. Just by that simple action, I felt my stomach doing backflips.

Oh gosh, what am I doing? I'm checking him out. I felt my cheeks get hot and I forced myself to look away.

Neon was aiding one of the guys with a vest and black hair. While the other two were getting up.

"We have to get him back to base." A guy with blondish hair and a red jacket kneeled next to me. I nodded, slowly lifting him up as best I could to sitting position. I really hope he didn't see what I had done. That would be embarrassing.

"Jet! Help me out here." Kobra beckoned his friend over, who quickly took Party out of my arms.

The screeching of a car reached my ears. I hadn't noticed Neon leave, but she stepped out of the trans am with the guy she had been helping.

"Ghoul! Open the door!" Kobra yelled as he and Jet carried Party to the car. Neon shot Ghoul a smile and nodded, which he returned and then she jogged to me.

"We have to leave before backup arrives for these bodies." She said and pulled me toward our bikes, although hers was a bit farther from mine, considering she had been shot at, I'm surprised her bike is still in one piece.

"You girls gonna be ok?" Jet shouted as he stood by the trans am. I nodded.

"Are you?" I replied

"We've been worse." He says before getting into the car. "You should follow us back to our base, you'll be safe there."

"Were going to head back to our own base, but thanks for the offer" I say with a smile.

"Are you sure, there could be more Dracs." Kobras head popped out from the car, looking worried.

"Well it was your guys's fault that we had so many follow us in the first place." I casually reply. I see that Ghoul opens his mouth to say something but I hold up my hand.

"Thats a story for another time, but we should all leave. They are going to come collect the bodies and I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm done fighting Draculoids for today."

Ghoul closes his mouth and nods, so does Kobra. Jet waves at us and then the trans am roars to life.

"What Zone do you live in?" Ghoul shouts over the engine.

"5! Off the main road, only killjoys will recognize the sign" Neon quickly replies. Why was she shouting this information? Ghoul smiles at her, turning the car around.

I got back onto my bike, putting it into full gear, but before speeding off I looked back at the Trans am. My eyes locked with a now conscious Party, who stared out the window.

He was the one with the hazel eyes. I felt my body shudder and I could feel myself blushing, thank god I still had my bandana on which covered my face.

His gaze was intense.

At least he is ok, and with that, I turned away, and raced off into the night with Neon by my side.

That would probably be the last time I see those eyes.

Look Alive Sunshine. (Party Poison)Where stories live. Discover now