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I've learned to live with the pain for a while now. Nothing can really ever make you forget losing a loved one so viciously. I didn't talking about what happened with Violet, because I hate people feelings sorry for me. I hate that look they throw your way as if they we're saying,

"Look at that broken girl."

The only reason I told Party was cause the stupid jerk has more mood swings than a girl on her period.

Actually, he looked ready to kill me, especially since he came to the conclusion that I was a double agent.



That's a good joke. I have to remember to tell Dr. D. He'll get a huge kick out of it.

I really disliked these mixed feelings I had towards Party. Some days I wanted to slap him across the face and others I wanted to plant my lips on his.

Come to think of it, we really wouldn't make a good pair. Our mood swings would get in the way. Ha. We may even end up hurting each other and I definatly didn't need anyone else hurting me. 

"Heeey! So who's ready to drink? I know I am!" I wrapped an arm around Ghoul, who had the biggest grin plastered onto his face.

"You made it. Party contacted us and said you'd be coming pretty late" Jet smiled, giving me a quick hug.

"Looks like your doing better too. Good day?" Kobra added

"Yes sir!" I smiled wide, probably a little to wide.

Ok Cat don't overdo it.

"Well here ya go. I took a guess on what you'd like." Ghoul handed me a glass with some blue liquid. I eyed it suspiciously before shrugging and taking a gulp.

"Holy shit. Are you trying to destroy my liver?" I coughed. My eyes watery from how much that burned my throat

The guys broke out laughing

"You owe me, I knew she would make a face." Ghoul nudged Kobra

"Damn it Cat." Kobra lightly chuckled

"Aw sorry my man." Even though the liquid burned, it wasn't half bad, just strong, real strong. So I made a mental note to sip it.

"Party! You finally decided to join the party, huh, wait that sounds weird." Ghoul said

"So you get the generator?" Jet sipped his beer.

"Yes we did!" I answered before he could. He quickly glared at me, to which I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Cat lets get another drink." Kobra grabbed my arm and gently pulled me inside the building.

"But I'm not done with...." My voice trailed off. Kobra had already grabbed my hand was guiding me through the crowd. Finally we got to the bar and got some seats. He sighed heavily before sitting down.

"Ok Mr. Mysterious what is going on?"

"I'm sorry about my brother."

I furrowed my brows, not really sure what he was talking about. Of course, there were a lot of things that Party did that he could be referring to.

"He forced the story about your sister out of you didn't he? I saw when you guys arrived, was on heading on over to meet up with you until I noticed that you guys we're arguing" He heavily sighed

Yes, I had told Kobra what had happened to me. He was the only one that I ever told, besides Dr. D.

Why did I tell him?

Look Alive Sunshine. (Party Poison)Where stories live. Discover now