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I know Party was dying to know who the hell is Red and why in the world this person was singling me out. It was pretty clear that he wasn't happy with the fact that this unidentified person was also calling me babe. Considering the current emotional state I was in, I know he restrained himself from bombarding me with questions. He knew I was mourning over Neon. I also was nowhere near ready to share my past with him yet, but I know he's eventually going to try and talk it out of me.

Maybe I should tell him. . .

After Party discarded the note he helped me quickly search the ruins of my home to see if anything was left intact.

"Cat just stand there okay. Your hands are burned and we don't need it getting any worse." He said.

"But I want to look too." I replied, walking into the ashes.

"No." Party stood in front of me and gave me stern look. This was oddly one of those moments where my stomach began to flutter because of his eyes. Even though they were pretty annoyed with me. I decided he was right. 

"Okay." I sighed. He attempted a smile that immediately faltered, so instead he nodded at me. There were a few items salvaged from the wreckage. Thankfully, I kept most of the things that mattered to me in a steel container. The only other thing that was saved was Neon's satchel. How the hell it managed not to go up in flames because of the fire is a mystery. Something tells me that Red did that on purpose though. He always loved to play games.

"I think that's it Cat." Party said, giving one last look at the ruins. "We should get back to the car. We have stayed here a bit too long."

Once we were headed back to his base the same silence took over, and it was a bit overwhelming. Nope. There was a big elephant in the room. I could feel the tension radiate off his body. It made me shift uncomfortably in my seat and I began to play with a strand of my hair. It's a habit of mine that I do when I'm nervous. I don't blame him for being upset, all he wants to do is help and to know just why this was done to me. This is a problem though that I have to deal with alone. Nobody else was going to get hurt on my account. If that meant shutting people out, then so be it. All I wanted to do was to be alone. In just one day I lost everything that meant something to me.

Party had briefly made me feel at ease but the stress that now loomed over him made me feel like I was a burden. I couldn't stay with the guys at their base. Red could have been hiding and waiting for me too arrive. Which means that he could be possibly following us. That would be unlikely though, because Party drove through an unfamiliar route. I was shocked because I had made sure that I mapped out all possible roads. Then again they were the Fabulous Four.

Red was going to make sure I would suffer and as far as he knows. Neon is the only person that I cared about. If he even got the slightest hint that I not only enjoyed the company of Jet, Ghoul and Kobra, but that I had this little crush on Party . . .

I shivered and quickly glanced at him. His eyes were focused on the road, his lips tightly formed into a line and his grip on the steering wheel seemed as if he was going to crush it.

He was more that just irritated, he was furious. I bet he's not used to being left in the dark. He opened his mouth but then quickly closed it. This happened about two more times, and then he rubbed the back of his neck. 

I had to leave and I had to bury any feelings that I had for Party deep, deep, down. Or I had to forget about him altogether, but that was impossible. From the brief time with him I get the feeling he isn't just going to let me leave that easily. Also there is the completely obvious fact that this whole time I've been arguing with myself about forgetting him. Oh shit. This has gone way past being a mere crush and is bordering on liking the guy.

Thanks a lot heart, you just had to go ahead and do something without my permission. You picked the worst possible time. 

I'm going to have to sneak out when they are all asleep. He'd wonder why the hell I'm scurrying off to be on my own when I'm clearly in danger . . . but the thought of him being hurt. I couldn't handle any more pain that what was already weighing down on my heart.

I had to shut down my emotions and become completely cold-hearted.

That's the only way I can protect everyone and myself. They don't know the things that Red is capable of . . . the less they know the better. It's settled. 

I'm leaving tonight.

I'm so happy that I finally know what I'm going to do with this story. Seriously, having writers block is the worst. Sorry that this chapter is a bit short. Next one will be much longer. Hope your liking my story so far! I'm going to be editing this later. Thanks for reading! :) Another update next week!

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