Keep Your Gun Close

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We took the long way home. Not wanting to encounter any more Draculoids, let alone lead them straight to our home. I was honestly in shock. How could we be so careless as to not check if we were being followed? How could I let that happen? I almost got my best friend killed with my stupidity! I mentally kicked myself for the events that almost happened. I have to thank the stars that the fabulous four were there. Otherwise we definitely would have been ghosted.

I decided not to think about it anymore.

After 20 more minutes we finally made it home.

"Holy crow Cat. Are we losing our touch?" Neon teased as she tied up her hair.

"Im so sorry. I'm not good with making last minute decisions." I knew Neon had forgiven me, and joking was her way of showing it but I was still upset.

"Don't beat yourself up sis, we're ok!" She hugged me tightly. I simply nodded, knowing that I should just get over it.

"Can you believe it though? Saved by the Four!" She squealed, taking a seat in our makeshift living room that was under the porch.

"Well it was their job to save our asses, they did get us in that mess." I sighed, removing my goggles and bandana. My mind had already wandered to those hazel eyes, there was something about them that made my head spin, and also they held a sadness that I was curious as too why.

"At least we got some supplies." Neon piped, pulling her bag onto her lap and taking out the goods.

"At sunrise, I'm going to head over to Shadow's place and see if we can trade anything." I popped open a can of power pup, took a sniff and wrinkled my nose. Neon chuckled

"Just imagine it's chicken." She also opened a can, stuck her fork in and began to chow down. "So how were the lips of Party Poison eh?" Neon managed to say even though her mouth was full of food.

"Oh you know, we wanted to make-out but, decided against due to the fact that he wanted to be awake for that." I teased, rolling my eyes, she would be more interested in that, than how he was doing.

"That Ghoul is pretty cute, I wonder if they will stop by." She pondered.

"I do not understand why you told them where we were, I don't care to see that careless bunch again." I say and Neon gives me a look.

"You can be so unfriendly sometimes Cat, but I love you."She tosses her can into the bin. "Say hello to Shadow for me, I'll get started on fixing the generator once you leave." And she heads off to her room.

She knows why I'm unfriendly. Not all killjoys are good.

 I managed to sleep a couple of hours before heading off. The back of my head hurt, I'm pretty sure theres a bruise forming. Well I was hit there. After changing out of my pajamas I went to wake up Neon. I know for a fact if I didn't that girl would sleep all day, and we really needed that generator to be fixed. I went into her room and pulled the covers off her. She groaned.

"Ugh, I hate that your an early bird." She complains, but gets up. I laugh and head out to my bike. The sun has just peaked over the hill. Another sunny day.

It didn't matter if it was the dead of the night or the sun shining down on me, I loved riding my motorbike. The wind running through my hair, and nothing but the road and me until my next stop. The gas station, which was Shadows place, was a good 30 minute drive away. I wasn't expecting any trouble. It was far out it zone 7. The farthest from Battery City.

I was looking forward to catching up with her. She was the biggest sweetheart I knew and had the best stuff for dirt cheap, but I always gave her extra batteries or food.

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