A Regular Day

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Izumi headed off for school and thought about how Gamer boy was doing.

'When I first met him, I figured he had some kind of decaying quirk. And he looked like someone who hasn't been outside for a while or doesn't know the outside world. Then again, some older Mystics don't either.' She thought.

In fact, when Izumi was being taught about the Mystic World from Heather, she learned that those who are 'quirkless' are really Mystics. But the superhuman society does not know it.

And Mystics have existed before Jesus was even born. In Ancient times, normal people saw them as protectors and healers until the Dark Ages, forcing Mystics to go into hiding and making their own world.

As quirks came around, some Mystics thought it would take away their magic, but it didn't.

A person could have magic or a quirk. Never both.

That is before Izumi came around.

She was considered a miracle. And she could be a sign that people would eventually get a quirk and Magic in the future.

As Heather became queen 300 years ago, she fixed up the Ministry and forbid any inbreeding, prejudice on muggles, and so on so they would not die out and vice versa with quirks. And there were cases of a quirk appearing in a Mystic family or a Mystic appearing in a quirked family.

In fact, Mystics were more accepting of those who had quirks deemed useless or villainous than the latter's own society. Some former villains even left the superhuman society to peacefully live among Mystics.

Heather would even search the Earth to find those types of people to give them a second chance at life in her queendom and society.

Izumi knew her society was broken. Fixed because of self-absorbed heroes.

Maybe once she is crowned she could fix it....
Class 1A

"Alright, now. For the task for class today.....you need to pick a class representative." Aizawa announced.

That's when the class started a ruckus that they want to be class representative.

"I don't care how you do it, just get it done by the end of the period. And try to keep it down." Aizawa said as he went to sleep in his sleeping bag. …

Then Izumi got their attention by whistling.

"Alright, I know this is a big deal in the hero course, but it's a job that requires the trust of the classroom. I suggest we do a vote for it." She suggested.

"Are you sure, won't people vote for themselves?" Kirishima asked.

"At best we'll get one or two people with an extra vote, that doesn't sound like a great way to decide who's best." Sero raised a good point.

"Maybe but I'm sure people may not want to be rep for certain reasons." Izumi said.

"That's true. Ribbit. I have siblings to watch on weekends and I can't run." Tsuyu said.

"My old man runs a bakery and I help out there, so I'm out too." Sato agreed.

"I'm just not interested. Too much of a hassle." Tokoyami stated bluntly as Mezo agreed as he has Judo classes.

"How about this? We'll list those who want to run, and we'll do a vote from there." Izumi suggested.

Only 10 people got on the board, and the results:

Izumi Midoriya: 9 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu: 6 votes

Iida Tenya: 1 vote

Anyone else did or didn't get a vote.

"Ok, who voted for Greenie?!" Katsuki yelled.

"Did you really think we'd vote for you with that attitude?" Sero said.
"How did I get nine votes?" Izumi groaned as she ate her sandwich.

"Simple, I think Tokoyami, Sato, Tsuyu, Momo, and Mezo voted for you. Along with me. I dont know who the other three were." Ochaco said.

"And after I voted for Iida. Plus Katsuki didnt look happy with not getting a vote." Izumi shrugged.

"You voted for me?" Iida asked in shock.

"Yeah, you seem serious to have the position. And to take it seriously too." Izumi said as the small group of students chatted on to Iida's family background.

Then an alarm went off.



They did not in fact do that. Instead, everyone panicked and rushed for the exit, blocking it with flailing bodies.

"Quit pushing!"

"I'm being trampled!"

"Ow my arm!"

"Too many people!"

"Does anyone know what's going on?" Kirishima groans as he's pressed against a wall.

"Iida, you can see out the window? What's going on?!" Izumi yelled from off the side.

"I can see outside" Iida gasps after headbutting the window "It's, it's just the press!" he calls out to Izumi who heard him, but the other students were too panicked to listen.

But Izumi had enough.

She used Super Relaxation just a notch to get their attention.

"Listen, it's just the press outside! Now evacuate calmly!" She said as the students did so.

Next will be the USJ arc, how should Shigaraki react to Izumi's hero outfit and how should she fight the villains?

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