Welcome to U.A!

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It was finally time.

Izumi was going to her first day of U.A.

Giving her mom a kiss goodbye, she left for the school.

"Alright, my class is 1-A, so I'd better look for that....ah! Right here."

She looked up.

"Whoa, door is huge. I guess that is to be expected some students and teachers are larger than others. We'll, here goes nothing. " Izumi said as she opened the door.

And the first thing she saw was Katsuki siting in his spot like he owned the place while being lectured by the robotic boy.

"What do you think you are doing, with your feet on that desk?! Get off of it this instant!" The megane said.

"I'd stop if I were you. Back in middle school, the teachers basically overlooked his actions since he had an impressive quirk and high grades, despite his attitude." Izumi said patting the blue-haired boy's shoulder.

"You mean you went to the same middle school? How did someone as well-mannered as you know him?" He asked.

"Our mothers were childhood friends so..." Izumi shrugged. "Oh, I'm Izumi Midoriya."

"Oh, right! You're the girl with that hybrid quirk. I'm Iida Tenya. I can't believe that you knew there was a hidden goal to the entrance exam. I need to learn more from you."

"Wow! We have the same class now? I'm Urakaka Ochaco!" The round-faced girl said in joy as she saw Izumi.

"If you are here to socialize, get out." A older, tired voice said.

It was.....A human caterpillar somehow snuck up on everyone, probably due to how loud they were being but it was still impressive. "This is the hero course, act like it or get out. I'm your homeroom teacher Shouta Aizawa, pleased to meet you. Now put on these uniforms and meet me outside. Don't make me wait."

Just as quickly as he arrived their supposed homeroom teacher left the stunned class 1A.
They were all able to get gym uniforms on, and went to the training grounds on time.

"Good, you got here quicker than I expected. For today, we'll be doing quirk apprehension tests." Aizawa said getting their attention.

"Quirk test?"

"What about orientation sir?"

"Hmph. My class my rules. Now, It's about time that you kids get to know just what your quirks can do, and the government has been procrastinating on that front for the last century. Midoriya, you'll set the example since you got the highest score on the entrance exam. How far can you throw a ball without your quirk?" He asked the green-haired girl.

"60 meters was my latest last year in middle school." Izumi said.

"Alright, Throw this ball as far as you can. This time do it with your quirk. You can do what you want as long as you don't leave that circle." Aizawa said throwing a ball to her.

Izumi shrugged and flared up her arm in fushia flames.

"Blazenett Spear!" Izumi said as the flames became an arrow and she threw the ball out of sight.

And Aizawa's Scanner read 2,943.2 meters.

"Whoa, almost 3,000 meters?! Crazy!" A male with yellow hair and a black bolt said in amazement.

"Enough gawking, now that we've had our demonstration it's time to move on. You can talk amongst each other if you want, just don't interrupt any of the tests. And you better give them your all. If if any of you do poorly, I will label you a lost cause and expel you on the spot." Aizawa said with a scary grin.

Izumi could probably guess he's bluffing. She had heard he's on thin ice since he expelled his whole class last year, but she's not gonna slack off.

During the tests, the other students were surprised of Izumi's capabilities.

She got 1.01 seconds for the Meter Dash.

Cleared the Long Standing Jump and sandbox.

Gained 790.78 kilograms for the Grip Test.

Did well on the other exercises.

In the end, she managed to secure the number 3 spot under Yaoyorozu and Todoroki.
Aizawa's threat turned out to be a ploy though.

Now, since it was a half-day, Izumi decided to get something for her mom.

She headed to a bakery where the man she met at the beach was. He was looking at a selection of doughnuts like they were foreign.

"Hey gamer boy, didn't expect to see you here." Izumi greeted him.

Tomura turned to see the greenette in a U.A uniform. Fighting the urge to growl....

"Gamer boy?"

"You never gave me your name, besides..." Izumi said pointing at his hoodie which said 'I paused my game to be here.'


"Sorry, but I'd recommend an apple fritter. I'll pay for it." Izumi finished.

Tomura would have said something if his stomach didn't growl.

Before he knew it, he was sitting on a bench with Izumi having an apple fritter. Pinks out by the way.

"So you attend U.A now?" He asked.

"Yeah, I had a dream to be a hero to help others. Though I'm considering being an underground hero. I'm more focused on keeping the public safe, and they don't pay attention to villains that work in the shadows. Even if it may be for a few years."


"Yeah, my mentor will be retiring from her position and I'll be taking over once she thinks I'm ready." Izumi said vaguely.

That left Tomura confused.

Why become a hero for a few years then retire during your prime?

It must be a big deal for her mentor.

"Well, I gotta get back home. Bye Gamer Boy." Izumi smiled.

Tomura frowned coughpoutedcough at the nickname. But he headed off as he realized something.

She grabbed his hand as she took him to the park. All five of his fingers made contact.............

But she did not decay.

How is that possible?
Sorry it's so short.

Plz comment!

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