1 ~ "Unbelievable"

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"So it is true you like him!"

"W-what? I never said that..."

Mercy averted my gaze, hiding her flustered skin from me.

"Come on, everyone knows there's something going on between you and Genji." You laughed, taking a sip from your favorite drink. "I mean, you even flirt over the comms."

Her head turned to you at that comment, her face red from blushing. "We do not!"

You grin at her, imitating Genji's voice: "Thank you for the chocolates, Angela."

Mercy slapped your chest as you laughed. Just as you were about to imitate her voice, saying that Swiss is the best, the rest of the team returned from a mission.

Reinhardt, Brigitte, and Tracer walked into the room, followed by Bastion, Soldier 76, Reaper, and Sombra, all of them are exhausted. Reinhardt was already booming with how great he was in the field. Meanwhile, your eyes landed on Bastion, who was clearly shaking as he watched Ganymede sit on his shoulder as comfort.

You walked over to him, he noticed you when Ganymede flew over to you, nuzzling into your neck. You smiled and pet Ganymede, looking up at Bastion.

"Everything alright, buddy?" you asked, a sad smile on your face.

You knew Bastion had issues on the missions with his programming. He's had some failures when fighting with Reinhardt, though you were always there to help him focus on his duties. So does Zenyatta, who is actually the therapist of the entire group.

Bastion let out some apologetic beeps, his head dropping as he watched the gun that was attached to his right arm.

You let Ganymede sit on your finger as you gently hugged bastion, placing Ganymede on his head. "No need to apologize, Bastion, we all know you're trying your best. You're doing great, buddy."

At this, Bastion let out a joyful beep, hugging you back for a short moment.

You pulled back when you noticed Winston rummaging in the back, letting out frustrated sounds.

"One second, bud. I'll be back." You nodded to Bastion and he gave a small beep to acknowledge your departure to Winston.

Standing behind Winston, you looked over his shoulder to see what was on his laptop. There, you watched the horrors that were displayed on the screen.

Humans were being slaughtered by omnics, another small village close to Rialto was under attack by them.

You gasped audibly, causing Winston to jolt and turn the screen away from you. "Agent L/N... There is nothing we can do."

You frowned at him, anger rising within you. "What do you mean? We can set up a team and fly there immediately!"

Winston shook his head, nodding to half of the team who just returned. "We can't send them in, we have too few people."

You tapped your feet anxiously, feeling your powers flow through your veins. "I'll go."

"Y/N, no."

"Winston, I can't stand here and let those people die! We can still help some of them get to safety!"

Winston slammed his hand on the desk "I said, no! It's far too dangerous to go alone out there!"

You flinched slightly at his outburst, causing you to stand down.

The rest of the team looked at the two of you apologetically, knowing that whatever is happening cannot be changed. They were exhausted from their previous missions and couldn't go in again.

You huffed and walked off to your room, Mercy tried to stop you, but failed and stood next to Genji. They both knew that leaving you alone was the best option.

Omnics were increasingly dangerous. A few army's have been spread around the world, hurting humans and burning the villages down one by one. You had a bad experience with them yourself. When you were younger, you looked up to them and praised them for their beauty and many functions. Though, when they turned against you and your family, you never saw them the same way.

Even after the passing of the Omnic Crisis and the 'peace' between bots and humans, you couldn't accept the fact they were back in your daily life.
There were only a few omnics you liked, those obviously being Zenyatta, Bastion, and Orisa. You knew them, you'd lived with them for years now. When you met, things did not go well. Zenyatta saw the hatred in your eyes but decided to talk to you instead of ignoring it.

Zenyatta has helped you a great deal through all your troubles. Every mission that included omnics resulted in you outbursting, causing huge waves of your power to kill them. After that, your vision would become blurred by your anger, causing you to not even recognize your allies.

Genji was hurt once, which caused a lot of trouble in his cyborg suit. It took Mercy weeks to complete him and even longer for Genji to get back out there.

Zenyatta has helped you since then, helping you control your magic and your hatred toward the omnics.

And now, you sat there in your room, watching out the windows as flying cars raced by and the gardens were being sprayed by flying objects.

You huffed when you heard a knock on your door, knowing exactly who it is that would help you calm down. "Come in, Zenyatta."

With a flick of your wrist, the door unlocked and Zenyatta could enter your room.

He floated carefully towards you and sat beside you watching what happened outside.

"We all find times where it all may seem hopeless, but there is a choice between doing nothing or taking action." He said, filling the room with the sound of his calming robotic voice.

"We have to take action!" You replied, looking at him. His gaze was still turned to watch the outside gardens.

"Sometimes, the best course of action is to do nothing. Let time tell where it may take us."

Do nothing you thought.

"Do nothing? You mean to let those people die?!" You yelled at him, eyes on the brink of tearing up.

He finally met your gaze, his lights flickering dimly. "You see it that way, yet I see it like a flower blooming in concrete. Times are tough, yet pureness can flow through it."

He took out a small screen and showed it to me. The scene of what I saw over Winston's shoulder had returned, but this time it showed how people were fleeing themselves, using the weaponry of the deceased omnics to their advantage to fight back.

To your surprise, the omnics retreated and the rest of the village was safe.

"By the time we would have gone there, we would have come for nothing," Zenyatta explained.
"Winston failed to tell you, however, that we had already sent out warnings to the capital of Rialto and its environment."

You sighed heavily and leaned your head back, closing your eyes. "Yet... if we hadn't given those warnings and went ourselves... we could have stopped that ambush."

Zenyatta placed a hand on your shoulder. "Even if we had, we would've never been on time."

With that, he floated back towards your door, but just before he left, you asked: "How do you know the people won't turn on you?"

Zenyatta hummed, his monotone voice turning into a rather amusing one as he answered. "Do I think? Does a submarine swim?"

You frowned in confusion, Zenyatta turning to you fully. "There are questions that seem simple but cannot be answered without uncertainty."

He left the room, shutting the door quietly as you looked up at the night sky, counting the stars. You wondered how many people were actually doing the same.


The first chapter of my Ramattra x Fem!Reader :)

Let me know what you think about it!

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