30 ~ "Lost in the rubble"

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"Where is she?!"

Slamming a larger hand on the table, Ramattra was furious with the current situation.

As the medics were aiding the heroes that had suffered from the damage of the rubble, the other team members were surrounded in the common gathering room. 

His chest was heaving with anger and his nemesis hands were balled up into tight fists, they emitted a purple glow. The lights on his faceplate were rapidly flickering in a demanding manner, filled with impatience.

"Ramattra, we're doing everything we can to find where-" 

"Apparently, not enough!" He cut off Jack, making him take a step back.

He took a long and deep sigh, standing up straight. Ramattra turned his head to his brother, who had gently placed a hand on his smaller one. 

"You're forgetting how strong she can be, brother." Zenyatta hummed, briefly waving one of his hands to dismiss anyone in the room.

The few members of the team left in silence, leaving the brothers to fight it out alone.

There was a brief moment where neither of the brothers spoke. It was only when Ramattra shifted back into his standard form that he finally muttered the words of regret.

"I shouldn't have left her."


"I told her to look for the others and left her alone. It was a mistake and now she pays the price." Ramattra let his head drop, his hand nervously plucking at the scarf around his neck. It was disarranged, and the only thing he could think of was your pretty face leaning closer to his to fix it.

He had to save you.

Wherever you were, he would come to get you.

No matter what.


It's cold.

Incredibly cold... and why is it so dark?

"Ramattra...?" you murmured when you heard a slight shift in the darkness.

A sudden flash of light hit your eyelids, causing your eyes to open wide. Immediately blinking, you saw a white light flash right up your face.

The moment your eyes adjusted, you looked around to see where you were. You couldn't tell, it was barely anything. 

A simple bed was right behind you, built into a metal wall. Your entire... chamber was made out of metal. It explained the cold, but not why you were here.

You looked down, seeing you were placed on a chair, uncuffed to your surprise. Your outfit had changed, it looked like prisoner clothing, colored in a darker shade of blue, and you were irked at the thought of someone having to change you into something different. 

Then, you heard doors opening. 

Your head turned upwards to the sound as you stood from your chair. As you approached the door, you were suddenly greeted with a large glass barrier between you and the -- now-opened -- door.

There stood a silhouette of some sort of stormtrooper. You had watched Star Wars before and now here you were, kidnapped by stormtroopers with red helmets instead of white.

It moved towards you, holding a tray of a small meal. There was a small glass of water together with 2 slices of dry bread. 

When gliding it on the floor in your direction, it passed through the barrier and landed by your feet.

You glared at the omnic,  "Where am I?"

It didn't respond as it left the room as quickly as he came in. You looked down at your meal and you figured you'd eat it, no matter how much you despised it, you could never guess when you'd eat again.


"Ramattra, we will not let you speak to him!" Jack urged, attempting to keep him from running toward the interrogation rooms.

Ramattra huffed in annoyance, towering over Jack. "Listen here, mortal. I will not be defied by such filth as you. For once in my life, I am experiencing regret rather than hatred for a woman of mankind. If you will not do me the honor of letting me speak to the man responsible for her disappearance, I will rip you to pieces..."

His voice lowered at his final sentence, causing commotion behind his back.

He glanced over his shoulder as Gabriel was quick to intervene by pushing him off Jack.

"You're not seeing him, it is a risk we're not willing to take."

"It's the only way we'll see her again, ya bloody idiots." A sad chuckle was heard from the back as both Ramattra and Gabriel turned their heads.

Odessa sat in a chair, blankly staring ahead as though in a trans. She blinked once and stood up. 

"If ya not lettin' him try and talk him outta this, we won't find Y/N at all." She growled lowly, holding tightly onto Gracie as she flicked it around in her hand. "I am not takin' the risk of losing her again."

"Ay, I'm sure she's fine," Sombra stepped in.

Odessa glared at her, her crimson eyes piercing through her skin. "She better be, or I promise ya; there'll be deadly consequences."

Gabriel turned to face Ramattra again, "You're still not seeing him."

Then, a sharp object threw right past Gabriel's face, landing in the wall behind him.

Junker Queen had thrown Carnage right at him, anger displayed on her face.

She scoffed, "Off-target by this much."

Odessa used her forefinger and thumb to determine the distance between Carnage and Gabriel's face. "Get that interrogation done, ghoul. Or I'll personally take ya soul to hell."

She then walked over to Gabriel, who was stuck in a position of shock. She stood in front of him and tore Carnage out of the wall whilst keeping a death stare on Gabriel. 

"Do we have an understanding?" she spat.

Gabriel nodded and looked at Ramattra. 

His hands were crossed and he seemingly enjoyed the show.

"Fine..." Gabriel gave in, "We're going to settle this all tomorrow."


More drama >:)


Question: Who is your least-played hero? 

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