6 ~ "Why not give it a try?"

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Shortly after your talk with Zenyatta, you said goodnight and promised to speak to him further about Ramattra tomorrow. 

You get changed into something warmer for the night, yet before you enter your bed, you walk out on the balcony, admiring the stars in the clear night sky. 

The conversation kept playing in your head and you remembered Zenyatta talking about the two of them watching the stars. 

The image of Ramattra popped into your head again, this time you imagined him and Zenyatta together. His figure was significantly taller than Zenyatta's, undoubtedly. 

How could an omnic turn back to hate after finding peace with Zenyatta?

For all you knew, Zenyatta was the only omnic that was patient with everything and everyone. Did he fail?

You frowned momentarily.

Does Zenyatta feel like he failed him?

You kept thinking about it, remembering his silence before he answered your description of the omnic that held you captive. It must torment him terribly, a burden he is to carry.

What if they make amends? Can't they at least try to talk again?

You figured you'd go back into your room and step into your warm, cozy bed. Maybe talking about this with Zenyatta would be better. 

Who knows if he even wants to see his brother again at all?


"But you speak so highly of him... Shouldn't we at least try to talk to him?" You asked Zenyatta when you sat with him in his room, this time. 

The walls were a deeper shade of red, together with his bedsheets and pillows. The bedposts were a golden color, together with small decorations. He even had a mannequin that resembled him so he could lift the orbs from his shoulder and place them around the mannequin instead, just as he had now.

"I fear that is impossible, Y/N," Zenyatta replied, looking at you with dimly flickering lights. 

You shook your head defiantly. "We can try, what's the hurt in trying? We can contact him alone, we have the entire team here!"

You heard a loud sigh escaping from Zenyatta's chest. "I appreciate your concern for the relationship between my brother and me, but I fear what he might do when we continue that plan of yours."

Chewing the inside of your cheek, you nodded. It was true, he'd probably not even agree to meet the two of you just like that. You had to find him yourself and convince him.

However, what are the chances he'll even speak to you? You were literally kidnapped by him not even a week ago and you're already up to talking to Ramattra, knowing exactly how powerful he is.

"What if we visit him?"


"Join me and maybe he'll change his mind! Please! We have to stop him, and if this is the only way, I'm willing to risk it." You crossed your arm, awaiting his response as he moved his hands to let the orbs fly around his neck.

The orbs started to glow one by one, playing a soft tune. You recognized it as he meditated on it frequently.

Perhaps you were too harsh on him, but it could give you all a chance to let him stop the killings. Even if it were for a while, there was something you had to do.

Winston doesn't know yet, nobody does. You swore together with Zenyatta that until the time was right, you'd keep quiet about knowing Ramattra in any way.

"I know a way to contact him. But we must be quiet about this." Zenyatta said quietly after a while. 

Your eyes widened and shot up to meet Zenyatta's lights, dimly lit. You gave him a sad smile and gently rested your hand on his shoulder, feeling the hum of his orbs hover above your hand.

"Thank you. We'll try, and we will learn from failure. Haven't you taught me that?" You winked playfully and Zenyatta let out a short chuckle, nodding.

"I am glad my lessons are paying off." 

You hummed softly, sighing when you thought of the first meeting with Zenyatta.

You were angered by his presence alone, yet when you were alone with him, simply small talking, you felt great ease on your chest. It took you months to figure out why, but then you felt a soft hum on your back. He had placed the orb of Harmony on you to make you talk to him and slowly trust him. 

He helped you since then. Your trauma was exposed to him fully, not forcefully unlike his brother has done, but mindfully. Gently gaining information with every session the two of you meditated. 

It took a year to fully trust him, and now, you're inseparable.

"I don't know what I could do without you," you said, truthfully as you looked at Zenyatta.

His lights flickered brightly at that comment, which you knew meant he was happy. "I am honored, Y/N."

You nodded at him, before sitting upright again. "How do you know how to contact Ramattra?"

Zenyatta stood up and floated towards his closet, opening a small cabinet inside. He hovered back and showed a small golden object, looking like a stamp for mail. 

"It is the original stamp of the Shambali Monastery. I think it is best to meet him there if we are to move with this plan of yours."

You gently took the stamp from his hands, admiring it. Though you felt anxiety taking over you. You're kind of an idiot for taking on an omnic who has much more power than the two of you combined.

A kind monk and a clumsy assassin, what could possibly go wrong?

A lot.

Nevertheless, you were determined to try and restore the bond between Zenyatta and Ramattra. It feels as though Zenyatta does not want to give up on his brother either, and it makes your heart swell how he makes huge attempts to give everyone a second chance.

When you stood up, ready to head back to your room, you gave the stamp back to Zenyatta. Then, you gave him a huge, to which he jolted. "I'll try my best, alright?" you whispered to him.

Zenyatta nodded and you felt his hands rest on your back, "I appreciate it, Y/N. I truly do."


Real action will happen in the next chapter, that one might be a bit longer too :)

Tell me what you think so far :).

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