20 ~ "Suffer, as I have!"

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You sat in the hospital bed, holding onto the scarf Ramattra had left behind. You hadn't slept since he came to visit, you wondered if he had gone away or if he had decided to stay at Overwatch for just a few days.

If only he stayed... you could've talked him out of the nonsense and helped him more. You wanted to help so badly, but you felt like you couldn't. Like there would always be something holding him back from the team... from you.

But his apology. It was a step in the right direction, perhaps he would set things right and work it out himself. 

"Y/N, are you awake-" 

Zenyatta stopped beside you when he saw the dark circles under your eyes, your body wrapped in Ramattra's scarf.

Slowly, you turned your head to him and smiled weakly. "I'm awake..."

He then sat with you, listening to you explain how Ramattra visited you last night and what he had told you. He was sorry and failed to see what trouble he caused everyone. Zenyatta nodded and took in the information, determined to gather a team meeting, alerting everyone that a mission should be in order.

You smiled and nodded as Zenyatta told you Ramattra was ready to come to terms with himself and the world. 

"Stay here," He said, gently tapping your leg. "I'll be back with the team and we will discuss our plans."

You leaned your head back and nuzzled into Ramattra's scarf. 

Damn, you had a weak spot for him.

After he left, you were absolutely done with omnics, but after seeing him again, lost for words at your look, you wondered if he did it intentionally. Now you knew he had remorse for his actions. 

You rubbed your eyes briefly, realizing how tired you were. Just as your eyes were about to close, you heard a loud yelling from the hallway. 

"Oi! Pick up your feet ya drongo's!" 

You thinned your lips and slowly opened your eyes, grinning to see Junker Queen standing beside your bed with pride. "Ha! Ya have to keep up, team!"

The rest of the team groaned and walked inside. You sat awkwardly in the middle as everyone was scrunched up in the hospital room. Mercy was already warning Reinhardt about damaging any wires, and Genji tried to back her up. 

There was a bit of chatting and grumbling, and you tried to talk above their voices. Which failed... terribly.

"Oi! Shut your faces or I will!" Odessa yelled out, making everyone shut up and listen with interest.

You smiled up at Odessa and she gave you a wink, leaning against the wall behind you.

You took a deep breath and explained how you knew that Ramattra would be turning to the right side, possibly joining Overwatch. 

"Nonsense, he's proven he isn't going to work with us..." Reaper replied, "With that, we're quite certain your little friend broke in..."

You opened your mouth to speak, but were quickly silenced by the rest of the team chattering about it and pointing to Ramattra's scarf around you. 

Rolling your eyes briefly, you pointed at Reaper. "Just like you broke into Jack's room and nobody talks about that."

Silence filled the room and Jack simply gave Reaper a small elbow in his side, making him grunt. 

"On with the plan?" Jack said quietly.

You smirked at them and sat upright to explain how you and Zenyatta planned to head into Null Sector, approaching Ramattra directly in his office to talk with him.

You figured you'd take the lead on the mission, causing a frown from Sojourn. 

Winston on the other hand was pretty excited, nodding at you. "That sounds wonderful, Y/N, but it is a dangerous mission."

You hummed shortly, Zenyatta replying. "Though, if we succeed, we can avoid more danger for the civilians."

The team started nodding and thinking thoroughly about it. 

"Then get ready, my friends!" Reinhardt boomed, throwing his hands in the air. "We shall fight soon and make sure that we will be victorious once more!" 

Without realizing it, Reinhardt had smashed a lamp, which caused a groan from Mercy, thinking about how many times she'd warned Reinhardt about this.

The team started to leave, Cassidy and Ashe tipping their hats and respecting you for going on a mission this tough. Bastion let Ganymede shortly nuzzle down your cheek again, and you smiled when the bird brought you a small twig. 

Meanwhile, Odessa leaned down to your height, "Ya sure got them excited. Need a bodyguard to save yer little boyfriend?"

You gasped and looked up at her, "What did you just say?!"

Odessa laughed, "Oh that face! Yer as red as the blood of a scavenger!"

You huffed and turned from her, "Mhm.. now leave, I need my rest!" you yawned and held Ramattra's scarf over your face, but that didn't keep the sound of Odessa's laugh from your ears.

"Boyfriend?" You suddenly heard Zenyatta say, lifting Ramattra's scarf from your face, revealing your widening eyes.

You sat up and shook your head rapidly. "N-no, no! That was a joke!"

He stared at you, tilting his head. 

"Noise canceling is excellent for focussing on something." He suddenly said, causing you to frown.

"Or focussing on someone."

Your jaw dropped as you saw Zenyatta float out the door, turning off the remaining lights that weren't damaged by Reinhardt.

"You heard?!" You yelled.

Zenyatta stopped and looked back at you. "Would it help if I said no?"

"Not exactly..." You replied, mortified by the thought Zenyatta actually knew of what you and his brother had been doing.

"Then, yes."

"THAT'S WORSE!" You groaned and buried your head into the scarf. You heard the faint voice of Zenyatta wishing you a good sleep. You closed your eyes and imagined what Ramattra would be doing right now.


The impact of his fist was huge. A large part of his arm had gone damaged, barely functioning.

"Had you been paying attention to your genuine goals..." Akande said, stalking towards Ramattra who laid on the floor, glitching slightly. "You wouldn't have had to suffer like this..."

Entering Nemesis form, Ramattra used the larger arms to stop the last blow of Akande's fist. "I have suffered for long enough. Now you will suffer, as I have!"


Hi :>

Another chapter, thank you all for the support, love you all so so much!! <33

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