8#- Secrets Told

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Chapter 8- Secrets Told

Warning: Fights, Chaos, and sadly no deaths

Third Person POV:

A lot of healing potions later everyone was feeling a bit better. "Everything is destroyed, even the forest!" Jimmy said, "Everything is also on fire." Joel added sadly "Everyone I have an idea why don't we go to Team Ten's Camp? I'm sure Lizzie and Accio would allow us to stay there, right?" Keralis said before looking at Team Ten. The duo looked at each other "I see why not, but we better start moving now. Or else it might get dark and mobs might spawn." Lizzie replied Accio just nodded her head helping Azar and Pearl on their legs. "So how are we going to travel?" Grian asked, Accio and Lizzie smiled at each other. "We made a chamber, in case we need to travel very quickly-" Lizzie said, taking out a fishing rod "And we have to hold hands and prepare to feel sick," Accio said, now holding a fishing rod. Everyone looked at each other before agreeing. Holding hands and bracing themselves Lizzie and Accio then used their fishing rod before they were all teleported to a chamber. "That was horrible never again. How are you two okay with it?" Keralis said, the duo shrugged. "You'll get used to it." Lizzie said, "LOOK EVERYBODY NOAH IS WAKING UP!" Jimmy yelled, "A-am I back?!" Noah yelled straight away. "NOAH WHY DO YOU HAVE A S-SCAR AND WHY ARE THERE BURNS ON YOUR FACE, ALL OF A SUDDEN!?" Jimmy yelled rushing over to Noah. "Jimmy I-I WAS BACK THERE AGAIN! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!" Noah said, crying in Jimmy's arms. (Totally don't ship it- Ave I'm with you on that Ave -Hayden) Lizzie and Accio paled a bit, "Accio go get some healing potions please." Lizzie asked Accio quickly nodded her head and ran out of the chamber to get a first aid kit. "Can you please explain, Jimmy?" Keralis asked, very, very stressed. "I-I guess it's time we told you guys I guess... Well, me and Noah um. Listeners- BUT DON'T WORRY WE HATE THEM! Noah must have... went back home with his mom- somehow... But he's back now! Luckily- I hope you guys don't hate us- ALSO, I'LL KILL THAT WOMAN!" Jimmy yelled a crash could be heard.

Everyone nearly snapped their necks looking at the source of the crash. Only to see Accio visibly very pale "L-listener!?" Accio stuttered out slowly walking back. Jimmy looked down at the floor and nodded slowly. "Y-yes... Why? You don't like us now?" Noah asked quietly. "N-no it's just that, I don't know, kinda like instinct," Accio said quickly walking backward. Noah stood up and faced Accio. Noah took off the extra clothing to show his hand and feet turning into a blackish-purplish color. His wings were more lime, his tail tip was now lime, and he had a halo now above his head. Accio looked even more scared now. "Hm... Why didn't you tell us you were an Alter?" Noah asked. "I-I'm a what?" Accio said, confused. (Harry Potter vibes -Ave Totally -Accio) A "Oh- You didn't know? Hey, same! I didn't know I was half Black Soul-," Noah said, smiling at Accio. "A what?" Keralis said, confused. "Dark Soul- Do you not know? Ugh!" Noah said, complaining. "Uuuuuuuuuh-" Jimmy said, not knowing what to say. "Wait- what are we even doing and where are we going and why?!" Noah said looking outside the window. "Long story-" Grian said. Noah looked at Grian confused. "You and Jimmy looked cute together!" Azar yelled. "WHAT?!" Noah yelled. Cookie gave Azar a death stare. "No," Cookie said, wanting to slap him. "I can tell you're jealous," Joel said, laughing. Tango just sat in the corner not wanting to get in a fight. Also, he was scared of Noah knowing he can, and will, hurt him if he made him too angry. He just sat there watching Cookie, Azar, and Joel fight. Noah and Jimmy just stayed out of it rolling their eyes and sighing. "Where is Accio?" Pearl asked, everyone, looking around for the socially awkward girl. Then Lizzie spoke up. "She went to cool down. She should be ok later". Everyone calmed down knowing Accio is alright. Jimmy fell asleep from not getting much sleep lately. Noah was talking to Grian since they haven't felt like what they felt for years. "So- Is the scar permanent or not?-" Grian asked. "Oh- Permanent. I have a huge scar from my shoulder to my waist," Noah said, looking at his scar. "Oh-" Grian said, just realizing that.

Ghost POV: (Totally not b/c I want funny stuff and chaos -Ave You're the definition of chaos when I leave either of you alone for like 5 minutes. -Hayden I was there. -Accio)

"Soooooooo- How do you guys feel about Noah and Jimmy being Listeners?" Taurtis asked. "Uh- IDK!? AHHHHH I'M HAVING A MENTAL BREAK DOWN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Xisuma yelled, running in circles. "Should we-," Ren tried to say before getting cut off. "No... Just let him..." Mumbo said. "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" Ren yelled, getting jump scared by Mumbo. "I'M BORED," Sam complained. "Deal with it you B*tch," Taurtis said, smiling at him. "You a meany!" Sam said. "And you're an *ss," Taurtis replied. "Shut up motherf*cker!" Doc yelled. "Annoying!" Sam complained more. "I will wack you with a baseball bat if you don't SHUT THE F*CK UP!" Taurtis yelled. "Blah- Blah- Blah- That's all I hear!" Sam said. Suddenly Sam was on the ground knocked out cold. "Deserved- Good job Taurtis," Doc said, giving Taurtis a thumbs up. "I warned him I was going to hit him with a baseball bat-," Taurtis said, walking away to join the others in Uno. "I WANNA PLAY!" Taurtis yelled out, then sat next to Xisuma. "Time to ruin more friendships!" Doc said, laughing. Then Doc sat next to Taurtis and False. "Let's start then!" Ren yelled out and they played Uno-.

Third Person POV:

We find Hermits and Emperors in Lizzie's bases library trying to find information on Black Souls "THIS IS TAKING FOREVER, WE BARELY EVEN FOUND A TINY BIT OF INFORMATION ABOUT BLACK SOULS!!" Keralis yelled, "Shhhhhh no yelling in the library." Lizzie hissed "Yes Ma'am." Keralis whispered,  "Why don't we take a lunch break?" Jimmy also suggested that frustrated Keralis nodded. Everyone walked out of the library and went into Lizzie's dining room. "We should try Accio's library next, I heard before joining HermitCraft. Accio would travel around collecting a lot of old books and stuff. I hope it's true." Iskall said (Ave was traumatized here)


Yay it's getting weird

Questions of the day:

Who will win in Uno?

How did Noah escape?

What is going on?

Who will win the deadly game of Uno?!


Alters: These are rare hybrids every million years a alter is born. They look like normal players but they can shapeshift into different people and get their abilities, this will take a lot of energy out of them so they don't do that only when they are in grave danger. There is a reason why they are called alters: they can change into an alt personality very quickly and can be at two different places at the same time. This also makes them tired but it still makes them dangerous because of that. This is how you pronounce their names Alt-ers. still Alters aren't born knowing they are altered giving watchers and listeners a chance to hunt them down and KILL THEM.

The total amount of words ( 1283) //Sorry it's shorter than usual 0-0 Almost all of us were drawing XD//

Bye people or whatever you are- Maybe a demon or a dragon Idk!

(Drawing of Jimmy and Noah coming soon!)

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