Life is cruel

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Chapter 11- Life is cruel

Warning: Mention of blood, injuries, and arguments

Third Person POV:

(we're back with more angst and depression -Accio Ay it's no longer dead! -Hayden Sorry)

"Right time to run," Pearl yelled out before running. The survivors started running, the enemies decided to make a truce for now. They're doomed. Now if you were being chased by two people that were turned into listeners and nearly the whole entire Green Teletubby SMP, you're most likely to get separated from your friends. That's what happened to the traumatized survivors, life is cruel, especially the writers. "I HATE WHOEVER IN THEIR RIGHT MIND THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA!" Shubble yelled. "IF ACCIO AND NOAH NEVER CAME, THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!" Wels also yelled. (My poor ears lol -Accio Boi Noah is after you now -Ave_Knows) "SHUT YOUR TRAP WELS. IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT NOAH CLEARLY DIDN'T WANT TO JOIN THE LISTENERS!" Pearl hissed, trying to resist the urge to hit him. Wels just scoffed at the thought, "Really? Pearl weren't you seen with Accio who later then killed Bdubs." "You two please stop fighting, now really isn't the time," Joe said. Wels and Pearl glared at each other before looking away.

Nobody bothered looking at the shadows, but hidden in the shadows there was a figure watching them.

GHOST POV!!: (I miss this so much -Accio_makes_themselves_sound_old This is gonna end in chaos -Hayden GHOSTS! Ave_Chillen_With_The_Ghosts)

"F*CK YOU!" "YOU SON OF A B*TCH!" "PIECE OF SH*T!" "LANGUAGE EVERYBODY FOR F*CKING GODS SAKE." Welcome to death's realm, it used to be quiet and calm but as you can see it's not- "SCREW YOU NARRATOR!" SHUT UP. As we're saying it's not calm anymore, I'm not getting paid enough. "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious isn't an actual word," Mumbo said. "Oh yes it is, you've just been living under a rock," Lizzie replied confidently. "I don't know if she gets a point or not," Bdubs whispered. "Scrabble sucks." Doc muttered, "Guys can you stop playing scrabble and pay attention, I think we might have found Doc's murderer." Xisuma said. "WHO IS IT?!" "It's- HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, sorry readers but we aren't gonna let you know who killed Doc. I still don't get paid enough. -Accio Ye! If anyone gets to say it- It will be me! -Ave_Who_Wont_Spoil_It_Because_He's_Scared

~Third Person POV:~

"I'm so tired," Tango whispered a bit scared because Noah was there. "Great we're all tired and a cherry on the top we got separated from the others. This is how things end up horribly in books." Accio said frustrated. "Can I have a cookie?" Cookie asked, "Sure." TFC replied handing Cookie a cookie. "We should probably make a camp, somewhere dry with a river nearby and a place where we could get food and far from danger and death." (Let's hope you don't find Joey there -Ave) Chorus suggested. "Not a bad idea," Accio muttered. The group traveled for a while before finding a good camping spot. It was getting dark, so they quickly set up simple tents that they luckily had. Only two people in one tent were the rule. They were missing a tent so there would be two people outside to warn the others of danger. Of course, they will switch so the other two can sleep. Night came, and the group finally felt safe for once. For how long?

Noah POV:

Soon I felt doozy and then everything went black. I was finally able to fall asleep. My dream was all black like a void. Nothing around and no sound. It felt so real and like I was actually there. I hollered out, not knowing why. Of course, like I thought, no reply. I walked around not knowing what I was looking for. Suddenly I saw a lime glow, and me being me, I walked towards it. Dumb idea- Everything went to all white, like Grians infinity rooms. I looked behind me to see a Listener. 'Well f#ck' I thought. Well- This will be interesting. The first thing I said was the first thing I thought of. "Sh*t- F#ck off- I just wanna sleeeeeeep!". The Listener just stood there like a statue. I turned around and acted like a child. "If I can't see you- You can't see me!" I said, walking away. "You know... You should probably take this seriously!" The Listener finally spoke. "CAN'T HEAR YOU!" I said, still walking away. "They said you were stubborn- but I didn't think you are this stubborn," The Listener spoke quietly. "WEE WO WEE WO WEE WO!" I started to say, getting bored of the silence. "WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY?!" The Listener yelled in anger. "Because- Why would I? This is how I stay calm and not want to rip you into shreds!" I said, spinning in circles now. "Also- I know you can't hurt me because this is a dreaaaaam!" I said, getting dizzy. "Your acting like a child!" The Listener spoke again. "Ok- I don't care~," I said, face planting into the ground. "This reminds me of this one time when Grian trapped me in an infinity room for 5 weeks-," I said. "And this one time where Grian made my whole house an infinity room- he has a problem with them...," I said, standing back up. "UGH! I'm bored!" I said. "Can I quit this job?" The Listener said. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I said, now annoying the Listener. "AHHHH! This was post to be the other way around! Now I'm the one getting tortured," The Listener complained. "I HATE YOU~ I HATE WITH ALL MY HEART!~ WOOOOO~ WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIE~ OOH~ ABSDUGBWIUGDBUDGIWGDIGW," I said, somehow feeling tired- in a dream. "IT'S A DEMON! A DEMON! I QUIT! I WOULD RATHER DIE!" The Listener said, plugging their ears.

I finally woke up. "Mission completed," I said. "Listeners are dumb! I have a chaotic brother- how do they think I dealt with him? Cry- NAH BOI I RIGHT THEN AND THERE TACKLED! CHOKING HIM TO DEATH!" I said, not realizing some of the others were seeing if I was ok. "I KNEW HOW TO ANNOY HIM! THAT'S ALSO WHY I CARRiED A KNIFE! I WOULD PUT IT UP TO HIS NECK AND THREATEN HIM! But don't worry- We are siblings, I would never hurt him!" I said, talking to myself. "Good times...," I said, laying back. "Not that one time where I accidentally almost cut Grian eye out We just don't talk about that...," I said. "I feel like I'm being watched... Hmmm probably just me- I wonder if Grian remembers me locking him in my closet and leaving him there for a day or two- Who knows," I said. "I want a helicopter- or some popcorn," I said. "Hmmmm yum popcorn," I said, falling back asleep and dreaming about me eating popcorn and having a date with a helicopter. (I've actually had a dream where I took a Helicopter out for a date -Ave_Dream_Weird_Things, Ave all I'm gonna ask is what the f-** is wrong with your dreams- -Hayden I dreamt of drinking tea with death and laughing at a burning village -Accio I also dreamed of me at a park than when I went home the Hermits picked me up and I and Grian blew up a mall -Ave_Be_Having_Dreams)




Accio POV: (And I hope it will be the last -Accio_is_in_shock At how dumb ave is and how bad my memory is -Hayden_didn't_have_their_meds Rude but true... Also, I have Ranboo's memory so don't blame me here- Ave_Won't_Remember_Writing_This)

People say sleep is important, I say sleep can kill people. I always sleep with a knife beside me, I will not be able to sleep without the knife. After what happened in the past, I would rather not deal with it again. I closed my eyes and waited when I opened my eyes again I saw pitch black.

"Hey, there~ Great to see you alter~" "WHERE IS THAT DAMN KNIFE!?" Accio yelled looking around. "You mean this one?~" "Oh great there is my damn bloody luck again." Accio muttered, "I'd give it back but then again I know you'd try to either kill me or someone else so I'ma keep it for now" "Did you know it's possible to kill people without a weapon." "Oh I know, but then again you'd have to clean the blood off of you, and for that you need water and you can't leave witnesses due to the fact I know people think you killed your childhood friend. Wouldn't want to put yourself in an even worse position would you?" "I've always been hated, so there would be no difference." "Damn never thought an alter and one of my kind would have something in common. I've always been hated by my whole realm. You should wake up soon it's almost morning." "How do you know? Wait for a second, I feel like I know you." "I'm always watching Goodbye. You'll probably hear from me again soon." I woke up and giggled "I'm in danger."


(You better watch out, deaths coming to town. -Accio Not a Blindfolded remix of a Christmas song -Hayden)


Why did Accio recognize the voice?

What are the Listeners trying to do?

Will the two groups meet again?

Word count (1555)


sahuidbaiuwgdiuagbsiudguiauisdgb :D

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