5#- Secrets

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Warning: Blood, Death, Arguments

Chapter 5- Secrets

Etho POV:

My team's camp was very far away from the other camps in fact it was very far north. I don't know how my team members travel so quickly but I guess, they have their own ways. I thought about Noah wondering if he was okay at home alone, but I quickly dismissed that thought remembering Noah insisting he would be fine. I arrived at the camp and looked around. It looked like a winter wonderland and it gave you a Christmas vibe, plus it was far from death. I looked at the bases wondering which one was Accio's. I walked until I reached the middle of the camp. There was a pole with signs and a billboard. One of the notes on the billboard said "Gone to collect some supplies Accio saw me write this note -Lizzie" smart I thought. A thought struck me and I searched the billboard for a note and I found it "Going to meet up with Pearl near the spruce forest Lizzie saw me write this note -Accio" but another thought struck me a rather bad one Accio could've lied. I decided to look at the oldest note I could find. Maybe Accio left a note on the first day I found one "Going to collect supplies with-" It was ripped in half, weird. I looked at the pole "Lizzies Base" and the sign pointed at a base. I looked at the pole again "Accio's Base" and it pointed at a path with little candy canes.

Walking over to Accio's base I heard a voice "Bonjour Etho, how can I help you today?" I turned around to see Accio, "Oh! Accio you startled me a bit,"I said with a little chuckle. "I did? Sorry about that, didn't mean to startle you!" Accio replied and apologized over and over again. "Um- It's ok- but I was looking for you... So I'm glad we did bump into each other-," I said, giving her an awkward smile. "You were? Everyone has been avoiding me recently, only Lizzie still talks to me. You know why?" Accio asked with visible confusion. "Oh- I don't know why she is still talking to you- but I came here to maybe... talk about Bdubs death- since we are kinda teammates even though I'm kinda far,"I said hoping she would agree to talk about Bdubs death. "Bdub is dead!? Is that why he stopped visiting me?" she replied, forgetting that she already knew this. Either she is a good actor or she genuinely forgot. "Well- duh! But I would still like to talk about his death- I don't think I have that much time left being here-,"I said hoping she wouldn't question why I couldn't stay for long. "Oh, Etho be honest with me, does anyone even like me here?" she whispered. "Accio- I don't have time for this! I just want to talk about Bdubs death so I can understand what happened better! Please-," I said, starting to get a bit annoyed. "I KNEW IT, BDUBS, LIZZIE, JOEL, AND PEARL ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT LIKE ME HERE. EVERYONE ELSE HATES ME!! I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE JOINED HERMITCRAFT, WHY DID I LISTEN TO BDUBS! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE NICE? WHY DO I GET JUDGED? TELL ME ETHO DID YOU EVEN WANTED ME TO JOIN? DID ANYONE? NOW BDUBS IS DEAD!?" yelled Accio sounding very sad, angry, and confused. "Accio- I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! NOAH IS AT HOME SLOWLY LOSING HIS MIND AND STARTING TO TURN INTO A-," I stopped realizing I said too much. "Turn into what, Etho? A Watcher!? A Listener!? A Parrot that swears!? A murderer!? I know there is something wrong with Noah, Etho I'm not stupid. If you aren't going to tell me I will find out, no one can hide their secrets from me.......I'm going to visit Azar. I know you are getting annoyed with me. Have a nice day Etho. I'm going to the billboard to write a note. Accio said, waiting for Etho to say something. "Nothing! Why would Noah be turning into something- Uh... LEAVE! JUST LEAVE! GO VISIT AZAR IF YOU MUST!," I said in anger and worriedness. "I LIVE HERE, ETHO! WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE?! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE!!" Accio screamed at me. I never heard her scream at someone "Hey Etho I think you should leave." A voice said. I turned to see Lizzie, she looked rather p*ssed. "FINE! I WISH I NEVER GOT PAIRED UP WITH YOU GUYS! NOW I'M GOING HOME TO NOAH! AT LEAST NOAH MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I'M WANTED!" I said, turning and leaving as quickly as I can not wanting to be around them anymore. As I walked away I heard a yell "Etho don't walk there!" I ignored them, and it turns out it was my biggest mistake not listening to them. I heard something fall. I looked up to see a large icicle. Before I knew it I just took my last breath.

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