your the problem

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Ranboos pov
"What why!? We wanted to do this."
"I know but this has just gotten way to dangerous" bill replied
I thought about it for a moment and...he was right I really was just putting my friends in danger just for my own entertainment and not just my best friend to I guess I'm the problem im the one who drags them out here...."bill....your right"
He looked at me and he was completely confused "what why are you listening all of a sudden!?"
"Because..I can't keep putting you guys in these dangerous situations." I looked down I felt like I was going to cry but I had to try to hold back I don't think they would judge me but I just fell like I can't

Bills pov
I noticed his voices changed a bit once he realized the situations he put us in.I glanced at Freddie and Amy they were completely silent I looked back at ran and his eyes were all puffy "hey ran are you okay?" And that is what made him break he started nearly sobbing my eyes widened I hadn't seen them cry like that since 7th grade I didn't mind it just caught me off guard. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" and they just continually apologized "ran you don't need to apologize just let it out" I said while hugging them his breathing started slowing down as they calmed down "guys I'm so sorry for putting you in danger I was just selfish and didn't really think about how it effected you."
"Ran its ok" we all said a bit out of sync "ran none of us ate made at you ok."
He nooded "alright just calm down so we can get out of here"
"Ok.." He responded in a sad tone
He took a few deep breaths and started driving , the whole car ride was awkward after that conversation  it was probably 4:00 in the morning so we were all pretty tired. I could feel my eyes getting heavy I tried to stay awake but I just couldn't and I everything went black

Ranboos pov
I was still a bit emotional but it seemed no one cared about it that much anymore so I didn't let it get to me. I was pretty tired and I was just happy that we were almost home

--------------------------later that day------------------------
"OMG FINALLY" Amy yelled "amy shush your going to wake up the neighbors"
"Ughhhh you don't let me do everything" I rolled my eyes and woke up bill
"Are we home??"bill asked "Yeah were home" bill ran out of the car and into the house I followed him into the house as Freddie argue about who is sleeping on the couch "you're both sleeping on the couch!!" I yelled (there are two couches)  I walked into me and bills room and he was already sleeping on his bed I would have thought he would want something to eat do to the fact all he had today was a bag of skittles
But I ignored it and I was about to go to bed until Amy and Freddie came in slamming the door then yelling at each other  and work bill up "GUYS SHUT UP" bill yelled he got no response and tried to go back to sleep and I did the same

Heyyy sorry I haven't updated In a while but here you go

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