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(you requested so here it is!)

Harry pulled me out of bed at 7, I punched his arm and cuddled back in bed. He left.

Mom came around and shook me awake, but I ended up screaming at her. She left.

Lauren dumped a bottle of water on my face and dragged me out of bed. I woke up then and there. One, to scream at her. Two, to read my messages.

"You're getting spammed with texts! It's annoying!" Lauren groaned, "It's five o' clock in the afternoon, Ash. You can't stay in bed all damn day." She smacked my head before waltzing out. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my face roughly, I scrolled through my notifications and almost choked at the sight.

From: Luke

We're coming round at 6 k? Dance starts at 7. don't want to be late lol.

I quickly replied back with a simple okay and tossed my phone around. I jumped over dirty laundry and grabbed my towel.

My stomach was in knots. I wanted to rip my hair out from how much of a nervous wreck I was. I think I was about to barf, but then I wasn't, but then I was again. I wanted to cry from how confused I was. Such a wimp, is what Calum would tell me.

I took a super quick shower. I styled it as fancy as possible and rubbed lotion all over my body. I didn't want to smell like a dirty gym sock. I pulled on the fresh white dress shirt and buttoned it up impatiently. After a long six minutes of buttoning, tugging my dress pants on, and putting on my dirty sneakers, I was finally looking good.

I had a feeling in my gut that something bad was going to go down, but I chose to not overthink everything too much. I checked my phone quickly and sighed in relief noticing it was already 5:50 pm.

I took the rest of my time to rub as much gunk off my shoes as possible and brush through my awfully knotted hair. I was nervous, anxious, scared even.

Lauren bursted through the door a few minutes later with a giant smile on her face, "They're all here. Ellie looks flawless!" She commented, she was suddenly pushed aside and Bella gasped at the sight of me.

Her dress was long, blue, and silky. She looked hot, but she wasn't Ellie.

"You look beautiful," I mumbled sheepishly, "You really do."

Bella smiled and nodded, "I know! Anyways, you look okay but you need an extra touch." She skipped to me and tugged my tie off, shoving a flower into my hand. "Put that there!" She pointed at my pocket. I did as told and took her hand gently while she was examining me. "Ehh, you look fine I guess. Let's do this!" She placed a kiss on my lips, Lauren was long gone while Bella and I took our time getting downstairs.

Ellie stood with Luke in an all black dress, her lips were coated with red lipstick and her hair was straighten which made her look different in an amazing way. Her dress was stunning, as was she. My lips were parted as we walked closer.

"Hi Ashton," She blushed at me. "You look great!" Ellie complimented, "Very handsome." I thanked her with a smile on my lips. "Hey bro!" Michael hugged me and laughed at my hair, "Nice!" Calum ended up doing the same while Luke only gawked at me in disgust. What a best friend. They all introduced me to their dates.

Michael was taking a girl named Grace who was very good looking if you asked me. Calum was with Sabrina, his blonde girlfriend who was just a bit taller than him. They were both pretty, but they didn't top off Ellie.

"Where's my corsage?"

I rip my gaze away from my friends and their dates and look at Bella who looks confused yet slightly angry. "Did you hear me? I said where's my corsage, Ashton." Bella said harshly and crossed her arms over her chest.

Luke, Michael, and Calum shuffled their feet as tension grew in the room. I could even see Ellie's eyes widen in shock.

"Um, I'm gonna go get some water." Ellie announced and began to walk towards me. She shoved my shoulder and smiled up at me, "Sorry!" She giggled and pulled my hand towards her stomach, she tossed her red rose wrist corsage into my hand then rushed away.

"Here it is!" I blurted out making Bella look up and at me, "I must've forgotten that I left it in my pocket to give you just before you guys arrived." I owed Ellie a big one.

Luke gawked at me, confused. him, "That kind of looks like the one I g -" He began to speak before Ellie swooped in and kissed him. It stung a bit, but I ignored it.

"Pictures!" I heard my mother screech and started shoving her phone in our faces. "Everyone stand together!"

"Mother, this isn't prom." I groaned as she pushed us all around. My arms were wrapped around Bella's waist. I knew I wasn't the only one in this position though.

"One, two - " My mom began but she stopped and looked at Ellie who was smiling, "Ellie, could you look less weird?" My mother frowned slightly.

Bella snickered, "Oh no Ms. Irwin! She always looks that ugly." Ellie's smile instantly dropped.

"Go away!" I shouted angrily and waved my mom away. Calum and Bella bursted into laughter, Bella leaning on me as she giggled but I shoved her away. "Why the hell would you say that?" I spat. Her eyes rolled and she pouted innocently, her arms wrapped around my torso as she hugged me.

"It's fine, Ashton. Don't worry about it. Honestly, nothing could ruin my homecoming night. I've got my awesome best friend with me and an awesome date, so let's get going!" Ellie sighed happily. She had her eyes fixed on me before Luke led her out the house.

The rest of the boys did the same quietly while I held Bella back, "Are you gonna be a bitch like this all night?" I finally decided that I was angry and Bella needed to understand that I was. "Because if that's the case, don't bother with me okay?" I said harshly. Bella nodded and kissed my lips gently. I took it as a yes. As a "nothing is going to go wrong!" I was ready for whatever had to come.

"This is gonna be a very good night, Ash. I promise!" Bella smiled sweetly.

Trusting her, I agreed. Maybe it was going to be a very good night.



:-))))) love you!!!

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