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chapter two -



My eyes trailed away from my sketch book. "Ashton, did you hear me?" Luke rolled his eyes. "Quit with that fucking book!" He demanded shutting my book harshly. "Homecoming," Luke repeated. "What?" I spit.
"What about it?" I sighed.

"You've gotta get a date." Michael said. "You're one of my best friends. I'm the captain of the football team and I was hoping that all of us could get a limo together! But you've gotta have a date, Ash." He exclaimed. "This is really important to me." Michael finished.

"I know, Michael. But not many girls find me attractive like you guys." I shrugged and opened my sketchbook again.

"Enough!" Calum slammed my book shut and took it into his arms.

"Join a sport!" He suggested. I choked on my spit and laughed in his face. "You're joking right?" I scoffed.

"Not at all. How about baseball?" Calum pulled out a folded paper from his pocket. He passed Luke my book and unfolded the crinkly paper.

"I was saving it for you! They're having practice today." Calum handed it to me. "Ashton try it out!" He smiled.

"I'm not meant to be an athlete." I shook my head. "Ash," Luke groaned. "Come on, man! Being an artist? Do you really think that's gonna get you a future?" He laughed.

I stood up from our lunch table and took my book again. "Let me think about it." I gripped the paper in my hand and walked out the cafeteria.

I rolled my eyes at the paper and approached my locker that wasn't too far from the cafeteria.

"Look there's Ashton," I heard a girl say. "Hey Ashton." I turned and met eyes with the girl from yesterday. She had milky light chocolate skin with big hazel green eyes. But one was swollen. She had a black eye. "Hi, uh," I paused for her name.

"Ellie Raymond." She told me. I noticed a skinny brunette beside her. "This is Bella Quinn." The brunette waved at me but rolled her eyes and looked away.

"What's that?" Ellie asks. "Ellie, I wanted to go say hi to the boys." Bella whispered. "It's a paper for baseball tryouts. Calum is forcing me to try it." I tell Ellie. She frowned and crossed her arms. "They should respect the fact that you wanna be an artist. They shouldn't push you to try sports." Ellie's eyebrows furrowed.

I smiled at her and unlocked my locker quickly. "I know. But they're probably right." I shrugged. I pulled off my backpack and pushed in my sketchbook. "They want me to get a date for homecoming." I mumbled.

"Maybe you should listen to them." Bella shrugged. "No. He should do what he wants." Ellie glared at her friend.

"I should go." I push in another book before zipping my backpack then locking my locker. "Okay, Ashton." Ellie nodded. "Bye Ellie." I waved then nodded at Bella.
Bella scared me. The two girls walked away and into the cafeteria.

Ellie was very pretty. Her curly hair was big but fit her perfectly. She was curvy and thick not as skinny as her best friend. She dressed differently than Bella who wore skirts and crop tops. Ellie wore flannels, ripped jeans, and dark colors.

"Did you think about it?" Calum had appeared behind me. I jumped and looked at him with wide eyes. I noticed it was him then calmed myself. "Yeah." I nodded. "I'm gonna try out."


Shit. I made a mistake.

Calum let me borrow his cleats. Luke gave me his gym shirt and Michael allowed me to use his gym shorts. "Good luck man! We'll be at our practices. You'll do great. We're just a field away!" Luke smiled and hugged me before jogging away to his team.

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