Clothed by the spirit

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Happy new year guys 💥💥💥
I know it's been long since i was busy. I'm still here. First of all i thank God for being with me during the whole of 2022 until 2023 👉🙃. Guess what i turned 21 years old last year in 2022 November. Awesome right. I'm a little bit scared for what this year has in store for me while I'm 21.
For all those who are 21 are have turned 21 give a newbie some advice and tips please on what to expect. Plz comment. 💋😊

Guys today we will be focusing on 2 Corinthians 5. I feel like God wanted me to read through this a mediate on it. I don't know if this will touch your heart but it surely touched me. During this new year this is the perfect scripture to start with. So we can be clothed by the spirit.

In the first verse of chapter 5 it says even if our house dissolves we have a building of God, a house not made with hands. It is eternal in the heavens.
We worry a lot on things that come and go in seconds , in minutes, in hours or even a year. But God will still be there. His house is still there waiting for you. His spirit is still there waiting for you to let it in. As dissolving house doesn't need to mean a house. It could mean your relationship, businesses or anything you are trying to forcefully keep but you know it will slip through your hand. Everything is not working. It's not going right. But we got God , why do we always forget that. Honestly i do forget that sometimes. Is it like a human thing. Why doesn't a light switch go on in our head and say "God is here". People God is here.

2 Corinthians 5:2-6
² For in the groan earnestly  desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
Groan - to make a long , low sound, showing that you are in pain or are unhappy.
I underlined groan because i didn't understand it so i had to look it up. That's why I wrote the meaning down. We are going through a lot. We are pain knowingly or unknowingly. Our soul is crying to be clothed with the house from God. That is what we longing for . Knowing or unknowingly.
³ If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
⁴ For we that are in the tabernacle do groan, being burden : not for that we would be underclothes , but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life
⁵ Now he hath wrought us for self same thing in God , who also hath given unto us the earnest of the spirit.
We need to be clothed so that we can no more be naked. We are physically clothed that is a proven fact. Right now i am. I'm wearing a blue pants with white strikes at the corners ans a black loose top. Yes I'm lazily dressed. Don't feel like going out today. 😉
But i want to ask myself am i spiritual clothed? Are you spiritual clothed? I may say yes and you may say yes. Maybe both of us may say maybe. I don't know your answer neither do you know mine. We are so caught up in the physical and our tomorrow, out next mouth and next year not we forget to check ourselves spiritual. No one is telling you to not think about your day , tomorrow or your well-being. No one is telling you not to think about your life . It's what we do. It's a mechanical system in us. But don't forget about your spiritual well-being. It's a part of you. It's better to take care of yourself physically and spiritually. So that you can be fully clothed by the holy spirit. So that you can be aware that the eternal house of God is waiting for you.
⁶ Therefore we are always confident, knowing that , whilst we are at home in the body , we are absent from the Lord:
We are so comfortable in our body ,in the flesh and in the world that we end up distancing ourselves from the Lord. We become absent. We are absent in his words , his spirit and house. Even his presence. Have time for God. Walk by faith and not by sight.

We are so caught up in the flesh that we forget what is important. And I'm saying this by experience not to make this look good no. But so you can know we all do this , even me. Nobody is perfect. Mention a perfect person with no flows and i will step down. We are so caught up in the world we forget Christ is there . He is watching. We even forget about the judgement day. Is that we have too much confidence in ourselves and in the world that causes us to neglect all these.
2 Corinthians 5:10
¹⁰ For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ ; that every one may receive the things done in his body , according to that he hath done , whether it be good or bad,
When ever this scripture is read to us or someone says it to us we claim that we know it already. We already know about the judgement day what's the use of repeating it. It's repeated everytime because your behavior says other ways. What do you do after listening or reading this. Do you change or do you do the same thing over and over again.

2 Corinthians 5:17
¹⁷ Therefore if any manner in Christ, he is a new creature : old things are passed away; behold all things have become new.
All those that Haven't given themselves to Christ , do it. Those we have turned their back to Christ come back. He is just a feet away. Everything becomes new ones you give yourself to God. Once you accept his spirit in you and be clothed by him. Stop being spiritually naked.

Prayer :
Dear Lord i have walked this world spiritual naked. I have walked this world focusing on other things and forget that you are just next door from me. I'm sorry for being absent. I'm sorry for not making time for you. For only giving 100% to my body and none for you.

I come to you as your daughter and as your son. Embrace me with your warmth and love. Cover my naked soul with your spirit. May i be clothed by your house and spirit. Talk to me through your words and signs. I want to feel your presence everyday. Wipe away my tears and full me with the happiness you promised me. I need you in my life.


I hope you loved these scriptures as i did and i hope it moved your heart. I don't know what you are going through or what you are facing. But if you need a listening hear I'm here . Leave a comment and I'll surely reply. After all i don't want to brag but maybe i should. I have been awarded with a biology and behavior  in psychology certificate. So if you need to talk about anything I'm your girl.

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