Chapter 13

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3rd POV

Seokjin paced back and forth in the living room. Hoseok and Jimin watched the distressed surgeon.

"Hyung, calm down please. We'll find him." Jimin tried to relax his elder.

"How can I be calm when this poor little bean is out there in someone else's hands! All I can hear is his struggle in the audio. Why haven't we done anything!? It's been two weeks now!" Seokjin was livid at this point.

"How many times have we told you?" Yoongi stepped into the room, speaking. "He wasn't there. They must have moved him after he signaled us and judging by not getting anything else from him, he doesn't know he was moved."

Seokjin flops onto the couch in dismay. Come on Joon, send us something. He thought.

"Well, look at the bright side of things. Kookie is walking normally again. And he is exercising more!"

Seokjin glared at Jimin. "Not the time, got it." Jimin adds.

Seokjin wants to be happy for his maknae but the first person he ever loved is taken. He never felt love like this before, yeah his parents were always supportive and cared for him but they were hardly home. Left to his own devices, he studied to become a surgeon, just so his parents could visit more. It didn't work.

"I know, I'm sorry Minnie. I just can't be happy for someone when another is in trouble. I can't just sit here and do nothing anymore."

"I know you can't. That is why we are going to keep ourselves busy. That Man is still rising in power. Right now, you three will be working on taking Him down, while we will be tracking down Joon. For the past 2 weeks He has gained more territory and killed our allies. I talked to Jungkook about this and he agreed. No arguments." Taehyung informed everyone of his plans. Seokjin was shocked as was everyone else.

"Are you kidding?" Yoongi asked. "You want us to forget about Joon and focus more on that Man?"

"We are not forgetting about him. I told you, we are going to look for him while they take Him down." Taehyung was a little annoyed at his Hyung right now.

"Yeah, I got that, but now you're adding in something else. Joon isn't our main priority anymore! You placed him at the same level as this guy! Joon is more important! And we need as much help as we can to rescue him! Letting Jungkook's team work on something else!? You just let us become weak in saving him!"

Taehyung walks up to Yoongi and talks calmly but angry as well.

"I want to save him as much as you do, but because of the problem at hand we need to split our forces! We had one target to start with, Him! Now that you decided to get him taken we have to deal with the consequences! Now shut up and follow orders! Last time you made a decision we lost a team member." Taehyung saw the sadness in Yoongi's eyes but said nothing. Just walked away and left him with his own thoughts.

"Yoongi?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi said nothing. He felt awful. Taehyung told him not to blame himself yet here he was, making him feel bad. Blaming him for the loss of Namjoon. Well, he isn't wrong.

"He's just angry right now. Yoongi, you were only thinking of saving a life, that girl. Because of you she is safe in the arms of good people. She doesn't have to be scared anymore." Hoseok tried to cheer Yoongi up a bit but failed.

"I was only thinking of the girl and because of that I let Namjoon get taken. Because of me we lost our main strength in stopping Him. Namjoon gave us invisibility, now with him gone we have to be five times as careful now. I ruined everything."

Hoseok hugs Yoongi for the first time since he's been there. Yoongi didn't know what to do with the new found affection but he didn't care at the moment. He cried into his chest, not knowing how much he missed the feeling.

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