I am Allergic to Werewolves

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 Me again. Plus more of my drawings. Did you like the dead squirrels? I practiced specifically hard last time to make their eyes appear both dead and lifelike, like they are watching the reader of this book. I enjoy doing this. Creeping people out is my hobby. Especially Enid. Except then I have to catch her again.

 I do not like this sense of depending on her, because now I need her to get me food and water and everything else I need. Both she and Thing seem to be immensely enjoying the fact that for now, I cannot kill anyone. A whole month without me shedding someone else's blood, wow. Or my own. Whatever works. As long as it was pain. Pain was fun. 

 Just not the kind I get when Enid leaves me. When she goes to the Nightshade library to get me a book, or when she goes down to get me food, or when she decides to take a walk to meet up with friends and get some fresh air. She's careful to never leave me alone for more than two hours, but when she's gone, my ankle seems to hurt more.

 She's also realized that now, I can't threaten her anymore, so she does all the things that annoy me. She calls me Weds all the time now. The last time I remember her using my proper name was actually an entire week ago. She also likes to tease me about how much I need her. She seems kind of protective over me, like she also needs me to be alive for her. 

 "I brought you more food, Weds," she said, entering the room proudly. This time, it's a burger and fries with several caramels and a bag of chips. I accept it from her silently. "I'm your friend, right?" she said. "Now you really have to admit it, we're best friends!" she tilted her head, watching me with a smile. I start turning red. I don't know why. I am blushing.

 I quickly look down under false pretenses of inspecting the burger before eating it. I've been getting this a lot lately for the past week. Enid's been taking... well, care of me, and every time she seems all proud of herself and tells me she cares about me or she's my friend or whatever I have to try and not turn into a tomato. She makes me feel incredibly odd sometimes. This only started since I woke up screaming in her arms and she was there to comfort me-that day when I had the vision of her dying. 

 "I'm going to let you have some space," Enid said. "Yoko wants to go look for more clues in the river." I nodded. "Oh! Clues! Thing, we completely forgot the past week-where's the glasses? Thing, the glasses!" he went over to Enid's bed and pulled out a pair of glasses. They looked familiar to me. I didn't know why. I picked them up.

 "These are still a huge clue," I told her. "Wow, Enid, this helps so much. There's even a hair on it... excellent! We can run tests on it, I have the poisons and everything locked in my weapons trunk! And the torture instruments..." I was truly happy then. "Enid, thank you, these glasses could be everything! God I could kiss you right now."

 She gave me a little smile and left. 

 You like her, Thing signaled smugly.

 "No I do not. It is just an expression to signal happiness," I said loftily, inspecting the lenses.

 It's not just that. You like her, Thing said. She made you happy, Wednesday Addams... or should I call you Weds? "Shut up," I said to it, moving on to run one finger along the frames, feeling the answer just within reach. But Wednesday, you do, trust me. You just don't know what you're feeling or what it means, you've never had real love yet. Thing was dead serious as I looked at him.

 "I do not need love," I said. "I just suspect I am allergic to her. That is why she makes me happy and that is why she forces me to let her call me... that. That are all the weird feelings I feel when I'm around her. Nothing more. I must just be allergic."

 Such as what feelings? And you admitted she makes you happy! he signed.

 I sighed. "Such as when I am with her, she makes me blush. Such as when she leaves, I seem to start hurting-or hurt more. Such as she seems to have the uncanny ability to mark things into my brain, such as her stupid nickname for me, and force me to believe for a fraction of a second that I should let her continue with them. You know I told her the mark she left on me was indelible, but possibly there is something more complex there. I just do not yet know what I am feeling, or what this... what this is. So I am allergic to werewolves. My feelings, because of her, she changed me. I kind of turned on the inside, like now even though I keep up the same outside as usual on the inside I've kind of... lifted? Like they're floating, and they're finding something above me I didn't know was there. Like I've... like they're... using telekinesis." I look down at the glasses in my hand and freeze, realizing what I just said.

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