Wednesday Addams Never Stops

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Ok so guys. This was really fun to write, go check out my other fanfics too, there's some more by me about Enid x Wednesday. Like Wednesday says, I'm always open to constructive criticism. This was basically my plan for season two, no idea if it will turn out even remotely like this, but hey, I can hope! If this one is a bit short, I'm sorry, but it's currently three in the morning and I've written this in one night, so please, hold your judgement a little. 

Last chapter!!! Still from Wednesday's perspective, though.

 Lucas came rushing down the stairs behind the man and threw the sack of sabers at us all. I took one-the one I'd used on Crackstone, which had been repaired and kept in the storage closet with the fencing gear. Yoko also came over, picking up a saber. So did the others. The man drew his own sword and came at me. It was... silver. He knew Enid was a werewolf... and had the only kind of metal that could possibly kill her. 

 Him and me had quite the good fencing match, rotating around the entire room, neither of us taking a moment's break or hesitation, until I yelled, "I like fantasies, Thorpe. Dragons, griffins, great big snakes-and a version of you who survives until the end of tomorrow." This caught him off guard enough for me to shove my sword in, but he ducked last minute and it caught his sword hand instead. Then the others took the moment to come out in the fight.

 Then it was complete chaos. All of us were fighting for Nevermore. I didn't know who was who; the only person I was concentrated on was him, and him not being alive anymore. Books, knives, and sabers were flying, literally all over the place, colliding with walls and chairs and tables and people, if they were unfortunate enough. Blood was flying, spraying everywhere, staining the pages of books torn out and ripped on the ground, and hitting me. Or maybe it was my own-I didn't know, nor did I care, until Thorpe was knocked to the ground, and the chaos seized as Yoko untied the chains around Rowan and threw them to me. I held him down, giving most of us time to look around.

 Pages were lying ripped on the ground, several covers as well. Random tables and chairs had been thrown over, knives, some bloody and some not, and sabers were lying all over. My neck was bleeding from when a knife had grazed it, as was my thigh and elbow. Blood was smeared all over all of us; Kent and Bianca had both sustained bleeding noses and gashes on their heads. Yoko had a nasty bump above one eye and a gash along her palm and one of her hands was so disfigured if it didn't still connect to the rest of her, it could resemble Thing and his own wounds. A gash on Lucas's head was dripping blood through his hair, same with Divina. Xavier was limping, and Ajax's jaw was bruised and bleeding. Enid had a black eye. 

 The man beneath me squirmed, so naturally I grabbed my sword and plunged it in, not caring where it went, not thinking as I rushed to Enid, realizing that there was a huge, bloody gash running the entire length of her arm. "Enid," I whispered. "You're dying."

 "I'll get the nurse," said Bianca, and she along with Lucas rushed out. Ajax and Xavier exchanged glances and said, "we'll get someone to clean up." Kent and Divina picked something up from the ground-a body... Eugene's body. He was clearly dead, and they were taking him to the infirmary. I was left alone with Enid.

 "You're dying," I said quietly.

 "I thought you didn't care," Enid said jokingly, reaching a hand up to my cheek. 

 "And I thought I'd never admit how scared I was to lose you."

 "And you're crying," she said, mustering a smile. 

 "I am not," I protested, reaching up to wipe the tears THAT WERE NOT THERE out of my eyes, but she grabbed my hands, pressing them to her lips. "I am going to be all right," she assured me. She reached out and kissed me. I stood there looking like an idiot and trying not to cry. The others returned and spared me enough time to wipe my eyes without anyone noticing. "Take her to the infirmary and get her patched up, I've got to deal with this one. Take care of her." 

 I watched her go. She reached towards me as the others dragged her out. "Wednesday-don't leave her alone, what if she's hurt-Wednesday-no-WEDNESDAY!" and then they were gone. I turned to the man.

 "Eugene was your last murder," I said quietly. "You will not hurt Enid. You'll have to kill me first."

Switch to Enid's POV

 The entire time they were bandaging me and giving me medicine, I was yelling about my Weds, telling them to help her, worried out of my mind. None of them listened as they wrapped my arm in a bandage and splint, fed me medicine, healed me, watched over me and held me down for an entire hour before they said I could walk again and that I'd definitely be living.

 I immediately ran back to the library and found what was literally the scariest moment of my life.

 Weds had killed the guy, obviously-she was so awesome she had to. But she was sitting with her back against one of the bookshelves, gasping for breath, face screwed up in pain. A knife had been shoved mercilessly through her stomach all the way up to the hilt; both hands, covered in blood that was her own mixed with Thorpe's, were scrambling over it, but the darkness from her eyes was fading and she too faint to pull it out.

 "Wednesday!" I yelled, all other thoughts driven from my mind as I ran forward to help her. "Stop it, stop dying, I love you too much..." I literally started crying as I laid my hands over hers and we tried to wrench the knife out together. "Stop, Wednesday, please... please!" 

 "Enid, I-I love you too, but there's nothing left for me," she said softly. "Nevermore will be safe, and everyone else will be happy. You'll have your whole room back, what is there left for me now?"

 "There's ME!" I cried. "I don't want my room, I want to love you!"

 "You've always been too affectionate," she said. The knife finally came out and I rolled her shirt up to the cut; it was massive and bleeding... 

 "NO," I ordered. "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW."

 "I thought you knew me," she said quietly, smiling. "My name is Wednesday Addams and Wednesday Addams never stops."

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