Chapter-21: 'Confession'

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(A/N:- Hasan know about Sana being a girl. Your all confusions will be cleared in next chapter. I wanted to complete SaYaan's story, that's why I posted this chapter.)

Happy Reading!💕


I saw him laughing saying - 

"No one will ever got to know about you nor the fact that I'm marrying Aafiya just for this kingdom" He placed the knife at her neck. 

"Not yet Ahmed!" I grabbed his hand and punched in his face. 

"Ayaa-" He was cut off by my punch. I was continually punching him but was stopped by Hasan and his guards. 

"Ayaan! Ayaan leave him, he'll die" Hasan pulled me and guards took him.

 "Ayaan, calm down" 

"Leave me, Hasan. How dare he-" 

"Ayaan leave him.. See you're bleeding" I saw my knuckles, were bleeding. 

"Saleem, take him to his room" She took me to the room and I fumed on her. I pinned her to the wall. 

"What were you doing there? Who told you to leave? Huh?" I tightened my grip on her arm.

"She-hza-de.. I-I" 

"Have you ever imagined what would've happened to you if I was not there huh?"

"Aya-an.. I'm sorry" She started crying. She cried for more than 2 minutes. 

"Now, stop crying" I said. She started crying more.

"Stop!" She sobbed. I don't know what got into me, I pulled her by her waist and started kissing her. She stood there shocked.

My act got disturbed by Hasan's yell. She pulled back and ran from there. 

Why did I even kissed her? What was wrong with me? 

I cleaned my wound and wrapped it in a cloth. I heard someone's footsteps approaching me. I stood up and saw her coming all red faced.

"Sh-Shehzade, Shehzaadi Anayah is here" She said looking down. I hummed and went to the meeting hall. I stood near Abbu and she stood beside me. Ammi smiled looking at me. I returned the smile. 

"Everyone Attention! Shehzaadi Anayah of Arbis is coming" The messenger announced. I saw her coming with more than 10 workers. 

"Woah! She's indeed so beautiful" I mumbled. She bowed down and we returned her greeting. "You are heartily welcomed Shehzaadi Anayah in Arkaristan"

When we all were dismissed, I went to Hasan to ask him about Ahmed. 

"Hasan? Hasan! Huh?" He was shocked. 

"Where are you? I'm here! No, you're still in her dreams" I teased him. 

You know me- I cleared my throat as Sana was standing beside me. 

"Uhmm.. What did you ask?"   "Ahmed"

"Ha.. He said that he came to know about Aafiya through.. Through?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Um.. Asif"  

"WHAT?! How dare he-" Without completing my sentence I marched towards his room. 

"Shehzade! Shehzade!" I heard her calling me. 

"Shehzade, calm down.. Shehzaadi Anayah is in palace right now" I opened his door just to saw him with Aafiya. 

They were startled by seeing me. 

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