get it how you live

101 11 7

imani jyne


my heart damn near beat out of my chest as i ran, i heard the heavy foot steps close behind me as i kept at a steady pace. "get back here bitch, you'll pay for this!" i heard the man scream as he began to lose his breath.

i chuckled softly as i heard his footsteps stop and i made a left turn, slightly slowing my pace i got as far away from the area as possible, looking in the duffel bag around my shoulder to see all of the ten thousand that i'd just stole from that poor man. he was one of the many old perverted men who've fallen for my looks and charm, let me in where they were most vulnerable and let their guard down.

i held no remorse and no empathy for him or anybody else for that matter, you gotta get it how you live.

i grin as i made it to my apartment complex, i jogged up the stairs and to my floor walking steadily to my apartment where i let myself in and was careful to lock the door behind myself. i didn't live in any luxury apartment by any means but i made due with what i had, truthfully i'd love to live on the highest floor of the most expensive penthouse in florida but for now i could only dream.

i through the duffel bag on the kitchen counter and let out a breath i had no idea i was even holding in before sitting down on one of my bar stools and pulling out my powered off phone. i held the button a few seconds and watched the apple logo pop onto the screen, a few seconds later the phone was on and i was scrolling through instagram just trying to get my mind off of the reality that i faced.

just then i heard shuffling from the outside of my door, my head snapped in the direction and i stupidly but silently made my way toward the door and looked out of the peep hole. i was faced with the back of a head full of indigo locs, i couldn't see their face but i let out a sigh of relief as i was positive it wasn't the man i'd just robbed no more than fifteen minutes ago.

i watched the person struggle to unlock the door to the apartment that was across from mine, finally getting in they turned around to begin to pick the great deal of boxes that sat scattered in the hallway. assuming that it was a man, i studied the many tattoos on his face and noticed how nice of a face structure he had, from his brown eyes and long eyelashes to his pink and full lips. id be lying if i said i didn't think he was attractive, but i'm not particularly a friendly person and i don't plan on getting to know him by any means.

i finally stepped down from my door with yet another sigh and went to plop down on my couch with the thought of my new neighbor still lingering on my mind, eventually i'd found myself drifting off to sleep.

i was awoken shortly after to the loudest music i think i'd ever heard in my life, and it was coming directly from across the hall. with a huff i through my blanket to the side and got up from my couch, not even thinking i swung my door open and began to knock on the door across the hall. i could hear loud laughter and the music as it boomed through the hallway, when nobody came to the door i knocked harder to the point where i was practically banging.

i heard the music stop and a bit of shuffling before the door was opened, the smell of weed and other substances blew in my face as i looked up at the guy with the indigo blue locs and piercing brown eyes. i cleared my throat before i spoke "your music, it's too loud. you do know there are other people that live here right?" i asked with my arms now crossed. the boy let out a very faint but soft chuckle, i could also hear his friends in the back cackling as well "damn shorty, you tryna ruin a nigga vibes this early on?" he asked "you think i value your vibes over my rest?" i retorted. he just stared at me not saying another word "please, just cut the fucking music down. thanks" and with that i turned around and trotted back into my apartment making sure to slam the door.

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