please dont go

52 7 7

imani jyne

i softly knocked on the door of a huge house that was owned by a man of the name derek, you see derek likes to prey on young girls and he thought that i was 17. id agreed to meet up with him for sex but what he didn't know was that i was here to rob his pedophilic ass and teach him a lesson, id been doing this since i was 18 and it brought me joy to get paid while crushing these old mens souls.

the door swung open revealing a white man no younger than sixty years of age, he wore a plaid button up and dark blue jeans with a belt to hold them up "come on in, beautiful" his fragile voice spoke, i internally cringed at his words but still made my way into his home. he brought me to his living area and sat me down on his brown leather couch while i admired the home "so, what should we do?" i ask innocently as he takes a seat next to me "well, i think we should get straight to business don't you?" he says with a smirk and i nod submissively "i think we should take a drink first, i brought wine" i flash a smile and pull out the bottle of wine that i had in my bag which contained a great amount of ketamine that would surly knock him out.

"i'll go get us some glasses" he caressed the side of my face before standing up "don't go to far" i said with a giggle. he shot me a smile and wandered off somewhere into the house, probably the kitchen to retrieve us some wine glasses. once he came back he popped the cork screw off and poured us both a bit of the wine, i watched as he took a sip of his and within a few seconds that smug little smile he had on his face dropped and he fell over on the couch.

i chuckled and got up, beginning to rummage around the large home finding money, jewelry, and anything else that i could benefit from. after i was finished i'd found just over eight thousand dollars and some expensive jewelry and other valuables that i could later sell, i loaded it all into my trusty duffel bag that i had stashed outside before i knocked on the door and made my way.

i again made it to my apartment building smiling in satisfaction at tonight's success and jogged up the stairs and into my apartment. i changed into come comfortable clothing and began to lounge on my sofa and watch spongebob, gotta heal my childhood  trauma somehow right?

i was laying there, fully intrigued when all of a sudden there were three hard knocks on my door. i scurried up on my feet and dashed to the door and looked out of my peephole only to see absolutely nobody there, i backed away from the door thinking it was just a joke some kids were playing in the building till there were another three knocks. i unlocked and swung my door open to see my neighbor jahseh at my doormat absolutely fucking wasted. i scoffed "jahseh, what the fuck?" i let out a huff before i began to check his pockets for his keys "jahseh why did you get this shitfaced drunk?" he only let out a bubbly laugh and rolled his eyes "nothing else to do is there?" he rasped letting out another chuckle. "this is not funny jahseh, i am not your babysitter" i said finally finding the keys.

i shoved the keys into his door and unlocked it before going to help him off of my floor, and for him to be so small he sure was heavy. i grunted as i guided him into his house and to his bedroom before throwing him into his neatly made bed, i took off his shoes and jacket before i pulled his cover back to put him under it. "i like your choice of clothing" he slurred out, i look down to see that id had on my spandex shorts and a baby tee and i felt my dark cheeks heat up "stop looking at my body, you're drunk" i slightly rolled my eyes "this won't happen again, next time don't get so fucking drunk" i said as i turned around to go back to my apartment.

"please don't go" he pleaded with my arm in his hand "what?" i whipped my head in his direction "stay, imani i want you to lay with me" i let out a huff "jahseh, you're pushing it buddy. seriously" "please i don't wanna be alone" his voice lowered, and i felt bad. "you know what, fine" i grumbled and got into his bed beside him, i felt his body moving up and down and heard his heavy breathing as i looked up at the ceiling. "can i hold you?" he slurred out, i just softly nodded my head and soon enough i felt his arms wrapped around my petite body.

out of all of the things i've done today this would have to be the most bizarre of it all, me lying down in bed with my drunken neighbor by the name of jahseh. i turned to face him and studied the tattoos that laid across his face, even in the dark i could still see how his long eyelashes laced across his eyelids. his breathing was heavy and his eyes were tightly shut, he was asleep.

i gently tried to wiggle out of his arms but sighed only when i realized that he probably had the tightest grip in the whole united states, i felt defeated so i decided to just close my eyes soon drifting off into a deep sleep.

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