he's sorry

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!this chapter is intended for a mature audience!
imani jyne

i groaned and threw my head back, shoving a pillow over my face as i tried to drown out the loud moans and banging of the headboard hitting the walls from across the hall. recently jahseh has been having girl after to girl over and honestly it was making me mad and a bit jealous, especially with me and jahseh never even getting to that level.

"fuck x, right there!" i heard the girl squeal and i rolled my eyes. now i knew being jealous was stupid but i just couldn't help it, the rate that he was having sex with these strangers it felt as if in our time i was too unattractive for him to even wanna touch in a sexual manner. i eventually gave up on my afternoon nap and got out of my bed, walking through my living room and into my kitchen i scoured through for a snack or two. finally not being able to settle on anything i sighed and threw on a pair of crocs after grabbing my keys, beginning to exit my apartment for a store trip.

as i stepped out of my room the girl from across the hall stepped out of jah's apartment as well and my jaw nearly fell off of my face seeing how different she was than me, she had pale light skin and untamed curly hair that was clearly damaged. she had tattoos all across her arms and even some on her face, she wore a black skirt with an oversized t-shirt and a choker to match. we were the complete opposite "what the fuck are you staring at?" she snapped, finally taking me out of my thoughts "i- i'm sor-" i was cut off by jahseh's voice "ayala, what's wron-" he said as he opened the door, he looked me and i could see a look of regret in his face, my expression changed from apologetic to hurt.

"i'm sorry ayala, i do love you but she was there for me when i needed somebody"...

suddenly my look of hurt changed and i felt nothing but rage, my eyebrows furrowed and i looked at her with a hard glare "so you're the one who ruined my relationship?" i questioned, stepping up to her "you fucking knew about me!" i shouted "yo, chill!" jahseh said, trying to come in between us but i only shoved him "you shut the fuck up" i snapped, finally turning back to her i watched her lips curl up into a smirk "jahseh was never even into you, he used you as a distraction to get over me" she said smugly "he'd never have loved a black bitch like you the way he loves me" she crossed her arms.

without a second thought i lunged at her and began to swing, every punch connected successfully with her jaw and i smirked to myself as we fell to the ground. i felt jahseh's hands wrap around my small frame as i continued to swing with all of my strength. "say it again bitch, say it again!" i said with every hit "mani calm the fuck down!" jahseh said, finally getting to pull me off. she got up and ran away as i yanked away from him and rolled my eyes "no, you don't get to tell me to calm down" " you played with my feelings, fuck you" i said, with my adrenaline finally slowing down i felt the pain. "i didn't-" be exhaled deeply before continuing "imani, i didn't play with your feelings" "i love you"he said, taking a step closer to me.

my vulnerability took control and seconds later i felt his arms wrapped around me as his chin rested atop my head. i melted at his warm touch and that smell of cologne and cigarettes that i missed oh-so much, it felt unbelievable to be in his arms again. before i knew it i was a sobbing mess, i felt my warm tears soak his hoodie as i cried "y-you don't love me, look at what you're doing to me!" i cried, as i began to push him away "stop, just stop" he said as he led me back into my apartment and to my couch. he took a seat next to me and sighed "can we talk about it? like adults please" he asked.

"jahseh there is nothing to talk about, no words can ever amount to what you did" i shook my head "please, i would say i'm sorry a million fucking times if i could" "anything for you to just listen" he pleaded. i knew i shouldn't have but i gave in, it was just something about jahseh that couldn't let you say no "fine, just say what you have to say" i said wiping my teary eyes.

"i know i fucked up, i promise i do and there's not even really an excuse for it" he said, sadness radiating off of him "but i promise if you say the words right know we can leave this shit behind us and start over, because i really fucking love you" "i love everything about you, your beautiful brown skin and your intelligence. you're a fucking star imani and i wish it would've clicked in my head sooner" he said, his brown eyes piercing through my soul, i could feel the sorrow and regret and hear the honesty in his voice.

he means it, he's sorry.

and without a second thought i crashed my lips into his, feeling him instantly kiss back. my body practically ascended at the feeling of his soft, full lips against mine, things escalated quickly and i felt his hand riding the rim of my shorts, softly tugging at them. "can i take them off?" he asked after breaking the kiss, nervousness struck over my body as i slowly nodded "you have to use your words, princess" he said, slowly brining his hand to my reddened cheek.

my breathing hitched as he brought his thumb to my lips and spoke demandingly "open up and use your fucking words, imani" he growled causing my lips to slowly part. as soon as my mouth was open wide enough he slid his thumb into my mouth and softly caressed my face with the rest of his fingers, "say it princess, i'm getting impatient" he said as i looked up at him with submissive eyes. "y-yes you can take them off" i rushed out in a stammer as i felt him slip my shorts off, leaving me in nothing but my panties and baby tee.

jahseh leaned back in, deeply kissing me as i felt his fingers start to rub me through my panties. i could feel the moisture from the pool that was left in my panties as he slowly massaged my clit, my mouth hung open as i struggled to keep quiet. "j-jah" i said breathily "hmm?" he mumbled, i watched his face as it held a concentrated look "please-" i reached down and wrapped my hand around his wrist "please what?" "we've just went over this, baby" he said speeding up his pace, causing me to gasp loudly.

"please s-stop teasing me" i rushed out with my eyes tightly clenched "no need to say anything more" he spoke softly as he slipped my panties to the side. i watched as he admired my vagina with nothing but lustful eyes, finally giving in to his temptations i felt his warm tongue slide across my clit causing me to jerk forward.

"f-fuck jahsehh" i whimpered as he attacked my clit with the tip of his tongue, he wrapped his large hand around my thigh and gripped it firmly as he continued to devour me. "this what you wanted, huh princess?" he questioned as i felt his thumb begin to circle my clit again "hmp" i whimpered out, unable to form actual words "speak when spoken to" he spoke, staring at me with demanding eyes.

"yes daddy this is what i wanted!" i cried out, feeling a knot form at the bottom of my stomach "i'm gonna-" i started "don't you fucking do it, you hear me?" he said, now pumping his fingers in and out of me as he sucked on my clit. i could only nod as i felt the pressure build up further before i let go, cumming all over his fingers and tongue.

i yelped out loud as i finished, my legs buckling and my breathing heavy. "what did i tell you?" jahseh said, grabbing my neck tightly and staring deep into my eyes "i-i'm sorry, jahseh" i choked out, looking down to break the intense eye contact.

"i bet you are princess".

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