Chapter 6

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It's been 1 year since Louis left he hasn't called or texted me in about 11 months.

"LILLY" my boss said while snapping her fingers.

"Sorry I was-"

"In a daydream I know"

"Rose I don't know what to do I still like him but he's just all caught up in One Direction"

"Lilly you might want to look at this"

She handed me a magazine and on the front cover it had Louis kissing some girl named Eleanor Calder and it said "newest couple"

I got so mad I threw the magazine across the coffee shop.

"Lilly do you want me to close the shop for you"

"No thanks I got it Rose see you Tommorrow"

I locked the front door when there was a knock at the front door.

I looked up and saw someone I never wanted to see again.



I saw her look up and she gave me the middle finger and shut off the lights.

"Tough man, but she's beautiful more beautiful than Eleanor" said Niall

All the other boys shook their heads

I looked up at the sign it said "dream a dream coffee shop owned by Lilly and Rose.

I ran around the back to find her locking the back door.


"What do you want"

"I want to explain"

"Explain what? How you totally forgot about me and left me wondering for way to long never calling or texting do you know how much that hurt Louis well I hope you have fun with your new life and just never talk to me again I actually have a date to be getting ready for so goodbye." She walked away with tears in her eyes


"You've got 2 minutes" she said rolling her eyes

"Look I still love you-"

"You have a girlfriend"

"We'll can we be friends and will you come over Tommorrow and meet the boys"

"Fine see you tommorrow"she said "and thanks for making my life miserable for a year"

What I made her life miserable ugh I feel awful I love Lilly not Eleanor wait no I love Eleanor.

-the next morning-

"Boys Lilly is coming over and I expect you all to behave haha who am I kidding but you guys might like her"


Louis serious this girl must mean alot to Louis I was eating a hamburger and fries with sushi when Lilly walked in I started choking and then blacked out.


I walked in when all of the sudden Niall saw me and choked and blacked out.

I gave him the himleich remover and he spit out the food I told the boys to carry him upstairs so he would rest.

I stayed in the room and his head was on my lap while I was stroking his hair.


I woke up to someone stroking my hair I looked up and it was Lilly the person who saved my life and well almost ended it by her looks haha kinda

"Thank you Lilly"

"Your welcome"

I gave her a hug and looked down at her beautiful bright blue eyes and I kissed her. She didn't kiss back she ran away from me down the stairs.

-I hope you guys liked it and if you want you can follow me on Instagram it's livelaughdreamwish

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