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It was dark. The only source of light was the red lettering on the emergency exit, with bright flashes of the floodlights flickering around the room.

For the first time in a long time, she didn't have bright fluorescent lights beaming into her soul while men and women in lab coats and sterile wear hovered over her and poked and prodded her exposed body.

The sound of alarms and shouting woke her up from the drug-induced sleep she was put under. She was groggy and discombobulated from her senses, overwhelmed by noises and lights she wasn't used to.

As a reflex, she used every ounce of energy she could muster up to pull her hands forward, but they were still strapped down along with the rest of her body on a cold metal table.

There was not a single patch of fabric covering her body, and the cold air circulating the room made a rush of goosebumps envelope her body. The one thing keeping her from being completely exposed was the bindings across her chest and waist which were also holding her trapped on top of the cool metal.

The door she was facing shook as a loud bang vibrated behind it. The adrenaline and terror starting to course through her veins gave her an extra bump of energy to wiggle more in her spot.

When she attempted to yell, it was muffled by a bound covering her mouth.

She groaned at the pressure all the restraints showed when she continued to try and escape. But it was pointless as she could barely make any kind of movement that would be helpful in this situation.

Instead of wasting energy, she began taking in her surroundings. Most of the time, in these environments, she was drugged beyond her mind's repair and unable to comprehend what was around her outside of the scientists and doctors who used her as a lab rat. Though she shouldn't have been surprised by the reason for her scars and nightmares, seeing all the surgical tools laid out in a precise way on a cart next to her made her freeze for a moment. 

Another bang on the other side of the door brought her back to the present, and she continued to scan. On the other side of the large, sadistic cart, she saw in her peripheral what looked like IVs and liquids/ chemicals. Deducting easily, they were likely the drugs they had pumped through her veins all this time.

All this time... How long had she been here? Where even was here? Everything was mostly a blur besides the experimenting and surgeries that had been forced on her.

She cringed at the only clear memories that came to the forefront of her mind. Luckily, the flashbacks didn't last long as the sound of grunts and explosions grew closer. Even those memories didn't have timestamps in her mind.

She looked at the door in front of her, and her breathing increased in speed. She could hear screams and shots as a fight was clearly happening on the other side of the door.

"Bucky! Check that room!" A low voice sounded, followed by another grunt and crash. "Nat said it's that one. Check for the weapon!"

"Behind you!" another voice shouted back before more gun shots rang out.

Her eyes were wide open, and she began unconsciously using the growing rush of adrenaline to jerk harder in her spot. But again, nothing happened besides the table shaking some from her struggle.

The next thing she knew, a loud crash sounded, and she closed her eyes as the thick metalled security doors to the room busted open.

Terror washed over her body as she imagined what waited on the other side. She knew the type of people who came through that door. Almost always, they were never there with friendly intentions.

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