Chapter Eight

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"Did you see that?" Y/N asked, hoping the answer would be no.

Wanda looked at her arms, then back at her, then back to Nat all with her mouth still open in shock.

"I think she saw," Nat chuckled, impressed with the hit Y/N had done to put her across the room. She stood up pretty easily as all the hit really did was push her a little hard. She managed to slide across the mat due to the power though.

Wanda seemed to snap out of it some and walked up with a scoff.

"No, I'm clearly in shock at her new haircut," Wanda sassed, getting up close. "Very cute by the way," she added casually before going back to the scene she just witnessed. "I would need to be blind to not have seen that," she sassed again with a snap. "What the hell was that?"

Y/N was looking down at her arms in fear almost. But it was fear having to do with not knowing how the hell she just did something like that.

Then it was as if the realization of her action came down on her fast.

"Oh, God! Nat, are you ok?" she asked in a hurried concern. Her hands came up to check on Nat, but she stopped herself quickly and brought them back to her, holding them close to her body. She wasn't sure what would happen after seeing what she had just done. "I didn't mean- I mean I-," she began stuttering.

"Hey, it's ok," Nat reassured, looking at her in the eyes to show her unphased expression. "I've taken much harder hits, and that was still nothing more than an intense shove."

"Intense shove is one way to put it," Wanda sent the thought to Nat telepathically. "Do you know how you did that?"

Y/N was looking at the floor now and trying to replay the scenario. She closed her eyes tightly as she pieced together what could have triggered it.

"I-I," she stammered but stopped and took a deep breath, standing up a little straighter. "Nat and I were just trying to reenact parts of the attack from the other night to try and trigger something that happened."

Wanda's eyebrows shot up some at that, but she pushed the voices of Steve and Bruce to the side as she continued to listen.

"I would just like it on record that I was not actually physically fighting her," Nat threw her hands up in defense.

"It's true," Y/N nodded, still trying to center herself some. "But we had exhausted all of our other ideas, and the repetitive motions on the punching bag weren't giving us the reactions we were hoping for." She paused to try to think of how to explain her next thought. "When we actually started sparring, my muscle memory kicked in enough for me to hold my own somewhat, but..." She cringed at the thought. "When she went for her last move, I didn't see her... I saw a man raising a fist at me. It was like I wasn't even in this room..."

"Was it a memory?" Wanda asked, knowing that the last time something was triggered in her, she had seen the man connected to the Starry Night painting.

"I'm not sure, but it seemed too real to just be a made-up sight," she nodded. "All I know is when I went to block the hit, something in me felt like it was... I don't know the word for it."

"Familiar?" Nat said for her.

"Yeah, but all of it was like a door opened and something just burst out of me," she scrunched her nose not sure if that made any sense. "I truly don't know a better way to explain it."

Wanda had taken everything she said and nodded along, already slightly a step ahead of the two.

Then it looked like a new fear began to settle in.

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