Chapter Seven

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"Y/N?" Nat asked, slowing her steps closer as she took in her new look.

"Hey," Y/N said with a quick smile while walking toward the redhead.

They were now face to face and Y/N was semi-avoiding eye contact as she could tell Nat was studying her.

"I have a favor to ask you," she said softly as she tried to move the attention away from her.

"If it has anything to do with helping you with your new look, I think you've got that down," she smirked, crossing her arms. "I've been through enough identity crises to know a thing or two about drastic hair changes."

That lightened the mood like Nat had hoped and Y/N smirked slightly at the comment.

"Thank you. I," she paused, debating if she should confide in her or leave out her true reasoning like she was used to. But Nat had become a very understanding and sympathetic female friend that Y/N bonded with quickly, and the second-guessing thought process was becoming easier to ignore around her.

"You don't have to talk about it right now if you're not ready," she answered for her. "If you want to talk about it later we can... Or not. Whatever you want."

Y/N was thankful for the deflection because she knew her own reasoning, but didn't know if it sounded like stupid reasoning. The second-guessing thing was something she was going to need to become better at ignoring herself.

"I appreciate that," Y/N nodded.

"Of course. Now... What kind of favor are we talking about?" Nat asked.

Instead of answering, Y/N looked back at the boxing ring debating if this was actually a good idea.

Nat followed her eye line and caught onto her thinking.

"Well, this could go a lot of different ways," she thought out loud.

Y/N turned back to her, getting her explanation out.

"Last night," she started. "Last night was a really... ugly night," she closed her eyes at the thought of seeing herself in the bathroom mirror right as the attack happened.

"It was a really fucked up night, Y/N. You can call it what it is," Nat encouraged, feeling for the other woman and everything she's gone through.

Y/N couldn't help but feel comfortable with her casualty and agreed with her statement.

"It was a fucked up night," she sighed, and Nat let out one big laugh, and a huge smile lit up her face. "What?" Y/N couldn't help but smile a touch at the giggling spy in front of her.

"You said it," Nat grinned. "I'm proud of you." Y/N tilted her head in confusion at the sudden pride Nat had for her. Nat caught on and chuckled before walking and putting her jacket on the chair next to the ring. "You're allowed to be angry," she explained. "No matter how much people tell you to look past it and move on, you're allowed to be angry that it happened to you. And sis," she walked and turned back to Y/N with a smirk. "You went through hell and back. I will be proud anytime you speak your true feelings on something."

It was a sweet moment. One Y/N didn't expect within this conversation at all, but a sweet and healing moment nonetheless.

"Sorry, I keep redirecting the conversation," Nat apologized, walking back to the ring and looking around. "What business are you trying to meet up for, in here?"

Y/N weighed her head back and forth softly while trying to find a way to convince Nat to help out.

"I need help trying to find a memory," Y/N said in an exhausted and worn-out tone. As if she was becoming frustrated and sick of this process of stepping on eggshells in order to figure out who she was.

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