Chapter Six

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Once Y/N got out of the bathroom, Wanda had the bed ready for her to make it home for the night.

She could tell that Y/N was still rattled from the whole surprise of it all, but at least she was in a safe space now and had taken advantage of it to ground herself again.

Wanda asked if there was anything she wanted to talk about and Y/N politely, yet apprehensively, declined. She just wanted to sleep it off and hopefully not have nightmares that recapped the scene.

Y/N had known Wanda for a bit now and knew that she had powers, but she had never been educated on what she was capable of.

So when Wanda mentioned she could ease some of her anxiety and help relax her mind and body enough to rest and actually get some healing sleep, she was semi-shocked.

Wanda was good about explaining everything she would do, how she would do it, and what it entailed until Y/N was comfortable enough to have her help with her sleep problems. That and she was desperate for a decent night's rest for once.


Wanda quietly closed the door to Y/N's room behind her after making sure she was out for the evening. She turned to look down the hallway, checking to see if anyone was around.

It was vacant and it seemed everyone was either in bed for the night or they were out doing their own things.

Wanda checked her phone seeing a message from Steve and took the instructions to meet down in the lab. Also asking to make sure that Bucky was actually in his room and not running around doing more research.

Lucky enough, she could hear him in his room, but couldn't tell what he was up to. She was just happy that he was in a space he could sleep in if he stayed up too late.

Carefully, as if checking to make sure no one followed her, she took the elevator down to the lab and met her two teammates in a private office. It was a space Tony had built for Bruce to do experiments in peace without too many distractions from his welding and other loud hobbies.

"Hey," Steve smiled as she came in. "Was he asleep?"

"Couldn't necessarily confirm that, but he is in his room. I didn't hear snoring, but I also didn't hear typing or noises that hinted he was working," she answered, with a smile at Steve. "He'll be ok. He knows when to stop a lot better than he used to."

"I would like to think that, but I think Y/N's whole case is causing some unfinished revenge to play a role in his plans," Steve sighed.

"Steven," Wanda placed a hand on his shoulder. "He's a big boy. What he chooses to do is up to him. Now as for revenge," she shrugged. "Eh. I think his intentions lean more towards a pretty girl who went through hell he knows a little too much about."

"Wait, you-" Steve started and Bruce snickered.

"And," she continued over him. "I think that he just doesn't like that something as tragic and horrendous as what he has gone through, could have happened to that sweet and innocent girl I just helped go to sleep. There's a lot more at play than just revenge, Steven."

Steve stared at her with a surprised face, but couldn't help the pull of a smile on his lips.

"I know you can read minds, but sometimes I think you don't even need that power to pick up on the things you do," Steve nodded, tossing the pen on the table and going to grab what the whole meeting was revolving around. "And I may or may not have picked up on that too, but wasn't sure if I was making things up in my head."

"Then you must not know Bucky if that's something you're overlooking," Wanda shrugged.

"Or maybe I'm just worried for him if that is the case," Steve sighed realizing his blindness to this subject she's brought up.

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