Chapter Thirteen

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The rest of the evening, Bucky couldn't seem to relax. He didn't want to cause any worry for Y/N when she seemed to be recovering from her last scare well.

But she was exhausted after training with the girls as she was still getting used to the physical workout and changes. So the start of the 3rd movie was all that she saw before she was out like a light.

Bucky was surprised she lasted that long. She had tried to stifle yawns throughout Superman and eventually stopped fighting them. Then she slowly sunk into the couch more and more every 10 minutes to the point of no return. Or at least that's what the Parker kid said when people made the couch their bed for the night on movie nights in the den and ended up camping out there for the night.

Those individuals usually never made it back to their rooms 9 out of 10 times.

And because she was at the point of no return, Bucky quietly started doing another security check of all the things he couldn't check before.

But again, he came up empty. The balcony was clear and free from any evidence or aids to break into the room.

Still, he didn't feel comfortable with her in here by herself. The idea of what could go wrong if he didn't come up with a safer plan became overwhelming.

Then he thought of something. He wasn't sure how he was going to sell this idea, but it may have to involve a few white lies. He knew it was all for her safety in the end, and a little for his sanity as well...

It was the only way he could think to do it without causing her to panic over the given circumstances.

For now, he let her rest while he set up her new accommodations.


When she woke up, she noticed the sun was no longer up and she wasn't sure how long she was out.

She sat up in her sleep, but the motion was slow as she must have slept harder than she had in a while. She readjusted to her surroundings and saw that Bucky was still sitting on the other end of the couch laid out, but now with her computer on his lap.

He seemed to be doing research of some sort, but she couldn't make out what as she blinked her eyes awake.

"Whatcha got there?" she asked. Her voice came out semi-raspy proving that she indeed had a good rest.

He grinned as he never looked away from the screen, partially because of what was on it and partially because her tired voice was really cute.

"I'm seeing which Avenger I get based on the dream house I create," he answered truthfully.

She couldn't hold her laugh at the confession and without hesitance, scooted closer to his end of the couch seeing the Buzzfeed logo in the corner of the screen.

Neither was necessarily expecting it but neither one said anything about how close they were sitting now.

Y/N still kept enough of a distance that no part of them was touching, not even clothes, but the reaction showed trust and the feeling of safety in his presence.

To a blind eye, no one would have seen the significance behind the new behavior, but they knew.

"Have you done this one before?" Y/N asked, looking over his shoulders after bashfully making eye contact.

He cleared his throat at the obvious connection.

"You won't judge me, will you?" he asked before he answered her own question.

"Never," she shook her head slightly dramatically before placing her chin in her hand as she waited for his answer.

They shared a grin and he shrugged. "Parker used the same trick on me when I was trying to catch up on pop culture references and such. They became a daily thing for a bit, but I haven't done them in a while. "

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