Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning, Bucky found himself waking up just as Y/N was about to walk out the door. Either she had been extremely quiet in her morning routine, so much so not to wake the light sleeper spy, or he had really been that far gone in REM.

But when he saw her gathering a few small items before leaving, he sat up from the couch and rubbed his eyes, letting out a raspy voice still riddled with sleep.

"Hey," he cleared his throat. "Where are you headed off to?"

She looked up from where she was fixing her shoe and stood up adjusting her jacket.

"Oh, hey," she smiled at him kindly. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Given who you're talking to, I'm shocked to say that you didn't wake me up," he chuckled, throwing his legs over the side of the couch and stretching in the new position. "I must have just woke up perfect timing."

She grinned softly, happy to see that he had gotten some much-needed sleep. He seemed worn out most of yesterday but happened to do a really good job masking it.

"I'm going to go for a walk. I checked the weather this morning, and it's actually really nice outside for once," she answered his first question. "Would you want to come with-"

"I'll tag along," he stood up promptly.

Her question and his answer overlapped and they chuckled it off. Bucky quickly got dressed and the two began walking downstairs.

His main concern was her going out on her own. Considering Wanda was on a mission and couldn't join her like normal, he figured she was finally getting comfortable enough in the environment to go on adventures on her own.

A walk around the compound was a simple step in that direction as she had already become familiar with the paths and trails that were mapped out along the property.

The first couple minutes of the walk were in silence as they basked in the rare day of warmth on a fall morning. It was still cold enough for a jacket and comfortable pants, but much less layering than normal.

"Did you see any of the show last night before you fell back asleep?" he asked.

"Yeah actually," she smiled, hands in her pocket and eyes on the ground as she admired the color-changing leaves at their feet. "I think I was fighting sleep because of how invested I was."

"I hate to give him credit, but Sam was the one who introduced me to Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Was kind of a stepping stone into the modern world of Brooklyn where I grew up. From a comedic and exaggerated standpoint, but setting-wise, it was a fun way to research. If you want to call it that," he chuckled, looking down at her kicking a few more leaves with her feet.

"So you're from Brooklyn?"

"Born and raised," he nodded. "Steve too."

"Wow," she grinned at the thought. A fleeting intrusive thought came and went, wondering where her hometown was. "What was it like back then?"

"Given the time, very technologically advanced. Or at least working its way to that. I never really saw anything between 1944 to 2012 really. I revisited it shortly when I was on the run," he answered.

He had told her a little of his time when the world thought he had killed the King of Wakanda and before when he tried to unalive Steve, so she knew what he was hinting at.

"Have you visited since then?" she asked.

"A few times. But sometimes it's hard not seeing it the way I remember it. Overwhelming to a point," he was honest. "I've learned to like the quiet of being out of city limits. A younger and less life-experience version of me would probably argue that, but I've gone through some things that changed my senses. It can be chaotic and hard to hear my own thoughts in what used to lull me to sleep as a kid."

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