Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I need to talk to Gabriel."

All heads turned back toward the entrance of the room they were in and saw Y/N marching in. Her demeanor was a 180 turn from when she had left.

"You've said that," Tony squinted an eye at her. "What happened?" His question was pointed to Wanda who was following in behind Y/N. He could tell something was up and he wanted in on what it was.

She didn't answer but instead pointed at Y/N who could explain for herself.

"To keep what we still can simple, my memories have been coming back piece by piece," she sighed, placing both hands on the side of the table she had left from earlier.

"They have?" Bucky had a look of concern on his face but it quickly changed to anger when he saw the guilty look Nat and Wanda shared. "You two knew..."

"Not our secret to be told," Nat shrugged instantly wiping the guilt off her expression though she did feel it.

"Our job is to keep her protected," Bucky hissed. The comment came only through his clenched teeth as he tried to stay level-headed, but was struggling.

"She's in one piece," Tony waved off. "What do you know, Y/N?" His mission was on one thing and he knew Bucky's feelings were getting in the way.

Though he did agree they were supposed to work together to keep her protected, he also knew that no real harm would ever come to her. Especially if Wanda and Nat were by her side.

"That's not the point," Bucky continued to talk through his clenched jaw.

"Point or not, your damsel in distress seems a little bit in distress right now. How about we focus on that issue first?" Tony snarked back.

Bucky took a step toward Stark, but Y/N grabbed his shoulder pulling him back.

"We don't have time. The people we are working against are much more of a problem right now." She looked him deeply in the eyes. "And they have a reputation for being quite relentless when they want something."

Bucky's demeanor changed seeing the fear of her past in her eyes. They showed all he needed to know that her next move was more important, and for some reason, he could feel the urgency too. But not like he was feeling it himself, but as if she was passing the feeling onto him through her touch alone.

"How did you do that?" he looked down at her hand, knowing that it was giving off the transfer of energy.

Her eyes showed grief for something she had no time to actually grieve.

"I remembered some things."

Those things were more than just power related.

And this time she didn't have to send the emotion for him to feel it himself.

"If I know how to read a room, and I do," Tony started.

"You don't," Wanda mumbled and Nat agreed with a head nod.

"You seem to be on a time crunch, yet we still haven't gotten to the point of all this," Tony looked at them both with wide eyes and hands out in waiting.

Y/N pulled her hand back to herself and turned to the group.

"Gabriel is brainwashed. He is not normally like that. Whatever they did to him, it wasn't by choice. If I can break him out of that chemical fog he's under, I can maybe get some information off of him. It could tell us what the real purpose of his being here is. If they infiltrated some of the world's most elite superheroes and good guys that can take down countries without hesitation, why do they so badly want to take me, an amnesia-ridden nobody, from you guys?"

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