Author's note

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I began this story in 2020 as an escape from the insanity of the world around me.  I didn't have a plan, just a vague idea of where I wanted to go, and the story grew from there. With the help of my book club partners, I learned and grew as a writer.  In 2021, I finished the first draft and put it aside.  I began working on book 2 and realized the importance of plotting and progression at that point.  Once the excitement of creation is over, the hard work of making the story understandable to others begins. 

In an attempt to avoid this hard work, I joined ONC2022 with a new story.  I failed miserably at writing a novella (see the first of a series, The Emperor's Head) but started a new world using a Fichtean curve and realized how satisfying it can be.  I finished book 1 of that series in late 2022 and looked back at The Severed Bond series.  I love these characters and the world and want to give them the story they deserve, so I dove back in. 

If you are reading this for the first time, welcome!  The numbered chapters are the new ones.  They are as fully edited as I can do without hiring someone :).  As I publish them, I keep things important to future events and remove others that are interesting to me but less important for the future.  I hope it helps the story move towards a goal better and meander less. 

My book club friends have helped me so much in coming into my own, and I have taken all of their suggestions to heart.  I review every comment (though I rarely respond) and make changes based on the critique.  I always appreciate the feedback. 

I hope you enjoy The Gathering of Masters, Book 1 of the Severed Bond series.  I will work on a glossary of terms and possible character information in the future.  Let me know if you do find things confusing, and I will work to make them clear. 

Happy 2023 everyone, here's hoping for a better year!

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now