We'll Meet Again

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Warning: This was heavily inspired by that one scene in "The Horizon" manhwa.

Really short ;v;

Genre(?): Angst

Ship(s): None, just angst


"Papa, when people die, what happens?" PJ asked out of nowhere, causing Error to freeze. Error opened his mouth to find the right words, his gaze stuck on the stars above them. "I don't know either.."

"I hope we meet everyone in heaven." PJ whispered, gazing at the stars, when suddenly he felt a hand on his skull. "Yes, I hope so, too." Error smiled at him, but something felt off.

If only I could stop time... Yes, as long as I live, I will love to the fullest. Let's live in the moment. As long as I give it my all right now, it'll be all right.

"I love you, PJ"

"I love you too, Papa."


"Uncle Nightmare!" PJ exclaimed enthusiastically, running into Nightmare's office. "Hello kiddo!" Nightmare grinned, catching PJ in his arms and carrying him, causing the kid to giggle.

"Hey, Error—...." Nightmare's smile faltered a little seeing Error. "PJ, why don't you go greet your other uncles in the living room as well?" Nightmare smiled, gently placing PJ down. "Okay!"

Once Pj was gone, Nightmare turned his gaze to Error, who had a sad smile grazing his face as he stared at where PJ had disappeared to. "Nightmare, I have a favor to ask..."


Coughing out blood into his slowly dusting, trembling hands, Error looked up from the void to the stars above. Time has come.

"Papa!" A horrified cry of a child came from behind, shocking everyone, especially Error.


"Papa!!" PJ cried loudly, rushing to Error. However, before he could, he was held back by Dream. "Don't go, kid. He's dangerous." Dream said, wrapping his arms around PJ.

"Let go of me! Papa is not dangerous!" PJ yelled, tears flowing uncontrollably from his sockets as he struggled, trying to get out of the yellow man's hold. "Papa! Don't go! Take me with you!"

Error's face contorted in pain, clenching his fists tightly. He didn't want PJ to see him go like this.

"Please, papa! Don't go!"

Error kept his back turned to PJ and didn't look back. He doesn't want PJ to see his current state.


Error took a step forward, causing PJ to struggle and cry even more desperately. "Papa, please... PLEASE DON'T GO!!!"

Error froze, biting his lip(?) as his suppressed tears finally fell to his chin. His SOUL aches hearing the child he took in and cared for cry so desperately, but there's nothing he can do. "You remember how I told you the multiverse is vast, right?"

"Papa..." Pj whispered, sobbing.

"Yes, the multiverse is vast." Error looked up at the stars. "So if you stay strong and keep moving forward, you'll eventually see me again."

"You mean that?" PJ slowly calmed down, but tears still flowed from his sockets, hiccupping between breaths. Nightmare had long taken PJ from Dream into his embrace. "We'll get to meet again, right?"

"Of course." Error finally turned around and looked at PJ and smiled, putting up a brave front, surprising everyone. "When we meet again, we'll never ever say goodbye."

Error smiled brightly one last time, and before his body could fully dust, he let himself fall back into the unforgiving void.


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