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Summary: Error gets pretty high on something he ate.

Category: M/M

Relationship(s): Blue & Error, Implied Ink/Error

Additional Tags: Crack, Crack Turning Serious, Hallucinations, POV Alternating, Error Sees Blue as a Brother, Error Love Cute Things and People, Adorable Blue


Walking through the portal, Error was welcomed by the familiar color of white. The Anti-void. The color white used to be more overbearing than welcoming, but after making a few changes of his own to the place, it became more tolerable.

He stretched his arms, and once he heard a satisfying pop, he opened his eyes. It had been a long, exhausting day, and he wanted nothing else but to sit down on his beanbag chair, eat bars upon bars of chocolate, and watch his one true love, Undernovela.

Upon reaching his beanbag chair, Error stopped in his tracks. He blinked, confused. There was a container sitting atop his chair. Crouching down for a closer look, there was a small blue note stuck to it.

"I made a new dish that I wanted you to try; I hope you like it!"

There was no indication who left it, but Error knew it was Blueberry. A new dish, huh? Error thought, picking up the container and taking its place to sit. Error contemplated opening it a bit but ultimately did so. It looked to be some sort of pasta dish. He doesn't know much about food, as the only thing he had been eating his whole life before the incident with Blue was chocolate bars that he stole from Underfell. Chocolates are still what occupies his non-existent stomach most of the time, but after witnessing his unhealthy choice of food, for some reason Blue would occasionally leave him food in the Anti-void.

Error can't really see the difference between this new dish and the other pasta dishes he has eaten so far.

Maybe it's the flavor?

Blue's food is, how should Error put it... Uh... unique, to say the least. Before accidentally knowing it was Blue, Error thought that someone was leaving him poisonous food could actually put an end to his life, and that's saying something considering that he is literally a god and is immortal. With that in mind, Error picked up the fork that came with the container and took a bite.

Error blinked.

Surprisingly, it actually tastes fine. Thus he took another bite, deciding to watch undernovela as well.


When he almost ate half of the food, a familiar, painful sting in his soul interrupted him. It hasn't even been an hour, and now he has to go back to destroying.

With a sigh, once the pain faded, he stood on his feet and put the food in his inventory. He doesn't like wasting food prepared and given to him by Blue. Not that he would ever admit that to the blue-clad skeleton.


After waiting for a bit and gathering information on the newly created AU, Ink should have left by then, so Error opened a portal and made his way to the location.


As soon as he set foot in the AU, it was like he was sent into a trance.


He doesn't know how long he stood there, but it's probably been a while, seeing as Ink stood a good distance away in front of him with Dream and Blue. Ink was spouting some incoherent nonsense that Eroor couldn't make out as he stood there, eyeing the three.

Error OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now