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Summary: Cross involuntarily takes care of the sleeping, silvery haired guy on the train.

Category: M/M

Ship(s): Cross/Error

Additional Tags: Teen Romance, Fluff, Strangers, POV Cross Sans, OOC, My AU, Human|Highschool AU


His friends have gotten off the train at their respective stops, while Cross lounges around, still not wanting to head home just yet. He sits there, scrolling through his phone for anything that could catch his interest and relieve his boredom, perhaps someplace to eat or simply hang out for a while.

He's busy looking at random photos of foods when he notices something move at the corner of his eyes. He glances up and towards his right, across from his seat, and a few more down when he notices a silver-haired guy, nodding off asleep and swaying as the train starts breaking towards its next stop.

He never noticed the guy enter the train; had he been there the entire time?

Cross shakes away the thought and proceeds to internally scold the stranger. He tsks, What an idiot, he's going to miss his stop if he doesn't wake up soon.

Rolling his eyes, Cross proceeds to avert his eyes from the stranger, choosing to leave him alone. If he misses it, then it's his own damn fault. Maybe he'll learn from this experience.

As the train slowly comes to a stop, the doors hiss open. The newcomers enter, and Cross couldn't help but notice how perverted those businessmen looked. Unfortunately for them, there weren't that many women for them to grope in this cart, and there were plenty of open seats. Even some open next to the sleeping guy.

Cross can see a sleazy scumbag come to the realization of an easy prey and start to head towards the guy.

In a calm yet domineering way, Cross stands and cuts the older man off; he continues to walk towards the guy and sit beside him, glaring over the rim of his glasses, daring the man to continue approaching them.

The man gulps and sits at the nearest open one, close to him yet far from Cross.

Cross huffs in victory. That's what I thought, he thinks to himself. He spreads his legs and continues where he left off, scrolling on his phone, slightly jolting when he feels weight on his shoulder. It was the guy. He was still sleeping and blissfully unaware of how he was embarrassing himself. There was a brief flash of discomfort on the guy's face, but he soon began to relax.

Cross tries to shrug his shoulders to shake the guy off, but to no effect. With a defeated sigh, he merely let the guy continue. At the sensation of wetness on his shoulder, he glances back to see the guy drooling. He was hit with the urge to throw the guy off. How disgusting...

...yet adorable.

Cross had to admit that the guy was physically attractive. From the silver, long lashes, light, barely visible freckles, blue streaks running down his cheeks that make it look like he was crying, pouty lips, and deep bronze skin that contrasted his hair. Cross was enraptured; something about the guy was alluring.

He was ripped from his thoughts as a voice announced their next stop. Cross was startled, surprised more by his own thoughts than the unexpected interruption. He looked at the guy and decided that it would be best to wake him up and inform him where he was. Tapping the stranger's shoulder, the guy slowly stirred awake.

He watched as the guy sat up straight, looking around confused and bleary-eyed as he blinked rapidly. Suddenly, the guy turns to face Cross, and the said teen chokes on his own spit, his heart racing at the sight. Bright ruby eyes with mismatched pupils land on him.

P-pretty... His mind unhelpfully supplies.

The two stared at each other in silence, both their faces heating up at the attention the other was giving them. The guy looks cute when he's flushed.

What am I thinking??

The stranger jumps back and breaks the tension. "Ahh, um, I'm sorry about that; I didn't mean to sleep on you..."

"It's fine." Cross shrugs, glancing away in hopes of subduing his blush. "I just thought I should wake you because we've passed a stop already and I didn't know where you were exiting."

The guy looks confused and, in a, rightfully so, concerned tone, asks where they are. After Cross answers, the guy sighs in relief: "Oh, thank god my stop is next. Phew, that would've sucked to miss."

Cross' heart and mind race in tandem, realizing the guy will be leaving. The train starts slowing down as a voice announces that it will be approaching soon. He looks to the speaker before returning to the guy, who is bowing slightly in his seat. "Huh-?"

"Thank you, sir; if it weren't for you, I would've missed my stop. I owe you for such."

Cross is blushing harder, and his heart is racing, banging against his ribs. "What? Hey! I'm not that old; don't call me 'sir'!"

The stranger looks confused. "Then what should I call you?"

Puffing out his chest, Cross simply tells him to call him Cross. "And what about you?"

The guy tilts his head, his silver hair moving with the motion. "What about me?"

"Your name???" Cross supplied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh!" The guy laughs. "I'm Error Queen; nice to meet you."

Cross hums, repeating the name and enjoying how the name rolls off his tongue. It was quite an odd name, but Cross couldn't really say that his name was any better.

The train fully halted, signifying the end of their interaction, yet something in Cross' chest ached at the thought of never seeing Error again.

"Well, Cross, it was nice meeting you. I-"

Cross was quick to move to his feet, invading Error's space. "Hey, you said you owed me, right?"

"Um yeah?" Error seemed unsure of the sudden forwardness.

Cross was a flustered mess as he proposed, "Well, a new cafe just opened up; why don't you go with me?"

Error scratched his cheek. "Oh, well, I appreciate it, but I don't have any spare money on me anymore to spend."

Cross rolled his eyes. "I'll pay for it."

"But doesn't that defeat the purpose of me owing you?"

"I didn't say you had to pay me, and I never said you were paying for anything. Just you being there is enough."

Error blushed slightly at the sudden declaration. "Okay if you say so..."

Cross extended his arm. "I do say so; now c'mon."

Error reluctantly took his hand before he was quickly pulled out of the cart and into a new world.

One with Cross Jakaei in it.


Note: Initially, Ink was supposed to be in place of Cross, but I decided against it as I thought the character's personality fitted with Cross a lot more. Nightmare was also a candidate. Ultimately, I just ended up using Cross.

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