Chapter 4.

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28 May 2024

      "Wake up" Someone shook me, "We're gonna be late."

     "Huh?" I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad leaning over me.

     "We're gonna be late to the meeting with Cyclone and Bates." When the words he said finally formed into a sentence in my mind, I shot up.

     "Shit." As I was getting ready I knew I was starting to feel off.

     I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, a leather jacket, and some shoes before rushing back downstairs while throwing my hair into a ponytail. I quickly stole some toast off the counter which Penny left with a note I would read once we got to Top Gun.

     "Here." My dad handed me my keys.

     "Dad, I ain't feeling the best. Can you take me?" He knew my fear of crashing or having an episode in the truck so he always didn't mind if I came with him.

    "Yeah, plus I know you miss your old motorcycle so why don't we take that today instead of my truck." I smiled, I used to love the suspense of riding a motorcycle and the feel of the wind through your hair as you go seventy down a highway. I miss the thrill.

    "I feel the need," I smiled at him.

    "What need?" Then he realized what I was talking about.

    "The need for speed," we said in unison while my dad shook his head.

     As soon as I got on the motorcycle I realized this was gonna be a bad idea since the whole squadron was gonna see us coming together, my arms wrapped around my dad's abdomen. Everyone is gonna think what Rooster thought at the bar, Maverick and I were together. Utterly disgusting thought of them, but they don't know I'm his daughter. Not yet at least.

    As we arrived, all eyes were on us, and let me tell you Rooster's jaw was clenched. He was angry you could tell. I just kept my eyes on the target, the conference room. As we entered the building, I let go of the breath I was holding.

     "What?" Maverick asked, "Are you nervous?"

    "Oh no." I shook my head giving a small laugh, "Everyone was staring at us after Rooster's loud accusation at the bar. Probably not the best idea to arrive the next day on the back of your bike."

    "Ignore them. Give 'em one hell of a show instead. Who cares what they think?" he patted my back.

    "True." We arrived at the conference room, dad was the first to initiate the arrival of the Mitchells by knocking.

    "Captain Mitchell and Captain Mitchell, nice having both of you," Bates spoke.

    "Cut the formality, Bates." We said something in unison once again this morning.

    "Like father like daughter," Cyclone whispered.

    "So, AJ. We hear that you wanted to talk to us, but before we do we need to address the matter of VFA-151, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin incident." Cyclone brought up.

    "I know. I shouldn't have punched him but he should respect women and try not to make the girl he likes jealous by trying to turn his superior into another superior who is said superiors daughter." Maverick looked at me confused, "I'll fill you in later on who Hangman likes."

    "Are you sincere in your statement?" I nodded, "Ok, back to why you called us to meet here today."

    "I think you should make me a civilian contractor." They were about to object but I continued talking, "You have me working at a diner where fighter pilots I'm watching only went to once and that is because one of them seemed interested in me. I need a way to be able to spy on them other than at the diner and the Hard Deck."

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