Chapter 10

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2 June 2024

         After the wonderful night with Rooster, I walked into work to see Rain taking notes and Rooster was sitting in his chair grinning. The way he was looking at me reminded me of a Golden Retriever.

        "Good Morning, Aviators. Your homework we assigned is due now. So, pens down and all eyes up here." Maverick smiled.

       "Rain, you go first," I shouted across the room. I was sitting beside Hondo.

       "Alright. I got that the engine, the wings, and the controls." A few snickers echoed through the crowd, she hadn't done the assignment properly.

        "Your lack of knowledge of this aircraft scares me." I reprimanded, "Rooster?"

       "The wings are moved a few inches back to help with flying in harsher conditions, The whole plane is heavier because of the extra ammunition, and the bullets are smaller which can allow more bullets to be in the plane." Rooster smiled, I didn't even have to help him yesterday which made it better.

      "Yes, that is all correct. Great Job." I smiled at him.

      "Come on," Hangman complained, "Is no one else noticing how AJ and Rooster are now on good terms?"

      A few people grumbled a yes and others just nodded.

      "What are you trying to say, Hangman?" Maverick asked.

      "AJ here is just a nobody. She slept with Maverick to get this position, and she slept with Rooster to get on good terms. He probably slept with her for answers. I wouldn't be surprised if she slept with Cyclone or Warlock." Hangman chuckled, "She can't get anywhere unless she sleeps with men."

    Rooster shot out of his chair charging at Hangman. Instantly the squadron was tearing the two of them apart but that wasn't before Hangman gave Rooster a good punch in the cheek which I knew would leave a bruise. I quickly ran to the group.

      "Roost, Rooster" I shouted at him.

       "You just know she sleeps around. That's why you're here now." Hangman smirked.

     "Bradley," I placed my hand on his chest which stopped him from lunging at Hangman. He looked down at me and all anger he had left his eyes, softened upon looking at me. He looked up and glared at Hangman.

        "Keep her name out of your mouth, Hangman." The two continued to glare.

       "Everyone go take a ten-minute break, Hangman go take a walk, and Rooster come with me," Maverick shouted as Hondo made sure the two boys stayed separated and Hangman was indeed taking a walk. I walked a few feet behind Dad and Rooster, sneaking in a phantom-like way behind them as they entered the office.

          "What were you thinking getting in a fight like that?" Maverick scolded.

         "I was trying to protect her, more than what you did." Rooster countered.

         "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

         "You first pulled my papers and then you kept Addisyn from me? What are you gonna do next? Tell me that she and I can't be together? I love her Maverick!"

       "Stop picking fights that you can't always win." his tone softened, "I know you loved her, Bradley. Ice, Carole, and I knew since you two were in high school."

         "Maverick, I don't just love her in a sister or high school lover way. I love her as in I want to marry this woman and have kids with her. I love her, Maverick."

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