Chapter 12

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Please read author note at bottom! ⚠️ Also This chapter contains triggering subjects, if it bothers you please skip to the next ***⚠️

2 June 2024

          As we were driving to the hospital I noticed a guy running down the road. Rooster must've noticed him too. As we drove closer I recognized the shirt the man had on.

    "Rooster, pull over." He looked at me strangely.

      "I'm not putting a stranger in my truck."

        "It's Maverick, so pull over."

       "How do you know?" He questioned, I gave him a good glare before he finally agreed to drive alongside Dad.

         "Dad, get in." He stopped running.

       "What the hell are you doing here?"

      "Heading to the hospital, Mav. Penny called us about Amelia. Get in so we can get there quicker." Rooster replied. Dad didn't argue and got into Roosters Chevy. He sold his Bronco for a 1978 Chevy, the same kind of truck Rooster's dad had before Carole had to sell it.

          As we drove all I could think about was what could've happened to Amelia. It must've been really bad because it seemed that Penny was trying not to cry on the phone. Once we parked and entered the hospital we all rushed to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" The front desk lady asked.

"We're looking for Amelia Benjamin," I stated.

"Yes, she is here but only family are permitted to see her because of her condition." Upon hearing that from the lady my knees about caved.

"We are family!" Maverick insisted.

"What's the relation?" The lady asked.

"I'm her stepfather." My dad stated.

"I'm her sister." The lady nodded at me and then looked at Rooster who was frozen not knowing what to say. I looped my arm around Roosters, "He is my husband. We've been married for ten years."

"If so, where are your rings?" The lady questioned.

"We don't believe in such things." She pondered for a minute before her face softened.

"Go up to see her. She is in room 202 in section 2." We quickly rushed up to her room and upon arriving we saw Penny sitting in her chair in tears. She looked up and ran into my dad's arms sobbing. I looked into the room to see Amelia staring at the ceiling, it looked like she was dead. I've never seen her so pale nor have I seen her so bruised.

"Penny, what happened?" Dad asked.

     "We don't know? She just woke up and she won't talk. They think she was jumped and possibly..." She sobbed.

    "Possible what?" Dad asked.

    "Raped" I answered.

    "H-how did you know that?" she asked.

    "These letters on the outside of the door, MFE, stands for Medical Forensic Exam. Also known as a rape kit." Everyone looked at me shocked.

    "Did you ever-" Rooster asked.

     "Oh no. I never had a rape kit done before but I've walked the floors before, after the accident. I asked the Doctor what it meant and he told me. He gave me statistics on rape and assault. Since then I've advocated for a multitude of women. Even been to protests."

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