Chapter 13

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10 June 2024

    It had been over a week since Amelia was found and ended up in the hospital. Every day my suspicions had risen about Rain. There was something about her that was telling me to watch my back and another part that made me feel like I knew her like a book. Every move she made strategically, in the air and on the ground. Every move was familiar, yet so unpredictable. She was the youngest in the squadron, yet one of the brightest but not as bright as me. I was gonna find her secrets and I was gonna break her. I just had to wait until I get the rest of the background check from Cyclone tomorrow.

    Tomorrow was the start of training for air combat in the new planes, they had all arrived at the base this morning. One with a name, hidden underneath the tarp and ready to fly if getting the okay.

  I was sitting in the kitchen doing physics homework and calculations for tomorrow in my breaks between homework. I heard the door open and shut as heavy footsteps walked into the house and migrated into the kitchen where I was standing. Strong arms snaked around my waist and a kiss was placed on my neck.

    "You need to rest for once. All you do is work." He picked up the paper, "Is this physics 1?" Rooster whispered, his breath tickling my neck causing me to shiver.

    "I'm doing Amelia's college work while she is resting. I couldn't imagine having to do college on top of all the things she is going through."

    "I agree. Is she home yet? Last time I was over they were debating on letting her go due to her mental state."

    "She got home this morning and is currently resting. Dad is catching up with work and Penny is being a workaholic at the bar." I continued to punch numbers into the calculator with my pen as I made possible scenarios and their outcomes appear on my sheet of paper.

    Rooster gripped the loops of my jeans and used them to turn me around, "You need rest as well. You can't stay up late or stay up all night and expect to perform your best tomorrow."

    "No matter what, I can't perform my best tomorrow Roost." I broke eye contact and stared at the necklace he had around his neck.

    He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "Are you not sleeping again?"

    I just shrugged, "Addisyn, why didn't you tell me?"

    "Tell you what? Every time I close my eyes I see my whole squadron die, and each time I do close my eyes it becomes more and more vivid. That due to this, all I have been doing is worrying about you and the rest of the team. Is that what you want to hear Roost?"

  "I want you to let me be there for you. I want you to let me be your boyfriend, let me be there for you, and open up about the incident."

    "Rooster, I can't go down that road. I-" Before I could finish I felt soft lips crash into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and played with his hair as his hands gently grazed my back.

    A gasp rang throughout the kitchen and we separated to see someone who was supposed to be asleep gawking at us.

    "How long?" Is all she asked.

    "Eight days." She just nodded and got herself a water then walked back up the stairs, "How could someone want to do that to such a sweet girl? Who would want to take their happiness away?"

    "I wish I could tell you sweetheart, but I can't." he wiped a stray tear from my cheek, "So, what are we going to do today?"

    "I'm going to visit family upstate. You are welcome to come if you want." I slipped out of his grip and went back to homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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