Chapter 11

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2 June 2024

       It was later that day, Rooster had dropped me off at the house and I was giddy or as Amelia put it several days before "Glowing". I was making myself a sandwich when there was a knock at the door followed by someone barging in.

      I continued to make the sandwich as I felt an arm snake around my waist. I leaned into his embrace, he rested his cheek (which surprisingly didn't bruise just hurt) on my head.

      "You know that dad would kill us if he found out," I started to make Rooster's sandwich.

     "We're almost 40 and we're both still worrying about what Mav would think." He laughed.

      "I know, what can he do to us now?" I smiled up at Rooster who moved to the side to get us drinks.

    "Well, he could pull our papers." Everything froze in the house.

       I glared at him, "Really?"

      He laughed, "Sorry, I had to."

     I shoved him and laughed, "Gosh, this feels so nice."

     "What?" he asked.

      "Us, were back together like we used to be. Hanging out like we used to be. I missed this." I handed him his sandwich and I began to eat mine.

       "Me too. What I don't miss is Maverick barging into the room every five minutes to make sure we weren't kissing." I groaned.

       "That was so terrible. Him and Ice were always so hard on you. Dad always said that Goose would be overprotective of me as well and be hard on you as well even if you were his son."

       We sat there in comfortable silence as we finished the food and watched as the sun was beginning to fade into the horizon.

       "Let's go somewhere." He stated.

       "Like where? Plus aren't we expected at the hard deck soon?" I looked at him sternly.

     He grinned, "Come on. It will be fun and we will make it in time. I promise."

     I grabbed my jacket, "Fine, but if we're late you owe me a beer."

    "Deal," He smiled as he drug me to his truck.

      The whole ride was silent except for the radio that was lightly playing classic rock. I watched the scenery go by as we inched closer to our location. Rooster had his hand on my knee, drawing circles into my jeans. We arrived within 15 minutes.

      "Roost, what are we doing at Top Gun?" I asked, as got out of the car. I knew better than opening my own door or Rooster would not be happy.

     "I've wanted to do this with you since I started pilot school." He held his hand out to help me out of the truck. Which I didn't need, but I took his hand anyway. Taking me to the tarmac.

      He pulled out a speaker and a phone from his pocket, "What are you doing?"

      "Playing music," He smiled.

       "Real funny, why are you playing music?" He walked over to me as an ad played.

      "Ever since I lost you, that's when I realized how much I loved and needed you." Dean Martin's song, Everybody Loves Somebody, began to play, "I dreamed of the day of getting to take you to dance on the tarmac while the sun was setting. If only I knew that this dream would become a reality if you would take my hand."

     He held his hand out which I gladly took, "I've had the same exact dream."

      "Everybody loves somebody sometimes." Rooster sang as we began to slow dance on the Tarmac. I continued to just stare at his handsome face that reflected the beautiful sunset which made him even more handsome. His touch was so soft and gentle as we danced, the last time we danced to this song was our senior prom. A night that will forever rest in a special place in my heart and mind.

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