Chapter 8

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1 June 2024

       I woke up the next morning hopefully before everyone else. So I quickly got ready for work and grabbed some extra clothes for when I go to Top Gun after work. Once I headed downstairs I realized that I wasn't the only one up.

      "So," Amelia teased, holding a glass of orange juice like it was a cup of whiskey.

      "Do you want tea because if so I can give you some tea?"

     "You and Rooster are tea as well," she whined

      "There is no tea to spill. It's not 1773 for us." I began to make myself some toast and coffee.


      "The Boston Tea Party" she still looked at me confused, "forget it."

     "So, what's the other tea you're talking about?"

     "You know Hangman right?"

     "Yeah, the dick that you and occasionally Rooster complain about." She took a sip of orange juice.

     "Yes, well I believe that Phoenix and him like each other if not already dating." I smiled at her.

      "No way" she gasped and I shushed her because our parents were sleeping.

      "Yes, way. They have been flirting away with each other since we got here and recently they stopped bickering and they became more lovey-dovey." I smirked getting my toast out of the toaster.

      "You better keep me updated on that." She laughed, "I still can't believe that Phoenix would go for Hangman."

       "Maybe they aren't dating, just good friends now and if they are maybe he acts differently with her than everyone else," I suggested and she nodded in agreement. We sat in silence as we ate our breakfast. I looked up at the clock and nearly choked on my toast.

       "Shit," I quickly started getting ready.

        "What?" Amelia looked at me confused.

        "I'm gonna be late for my last shift at the diner," I mumbled with my mouth full.

        I was about to walk out the door when she yelled at me, "Have a good day!"

        "You too! Text me if you need help with homework." She gave a thumbs up and I quickly drove to work.


           Arrived to work 3 minutes early thankfully. I walked in to see I was on shift with my favorite co-worker, Maria. My gaze remained on her as I walked in until something caught my gaze.

         "No way." I looked at the couple at the table.

         "No way what?" Maria came to me and asked.

         I pointed at the table that had a couple that looked exactly like my pilots Hangman and Phoenix, "You know that I have a second job." She nodded, "Well those two work at the other job and some of us speculate they're dating."

         "NO WAY!" I shushed her.

         "Yes way," I smirked, "Do you know if they have a waiter?"

          She shook her head, "They walked in a few minutes before you."

         "I'm their waiter now, will you take my stuff to the back?" She nodded taking my stuff and I thanked her.

        I grabbed my notepad and pen and walked over there looking down at the note pad writing my name down.

         "Welcome to Bobbi's Diner, what could I get you two to drink?" I looked up and acted surprised to see them, "Jake, Natasha, what are you doing here?"

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