06 | Phone Call

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"Hello?" I said pressing the phone against my ear, the line buzzing and waiting for my mom to answer.

"Hi, Skylar how's your little trip going so far?" asked Mom faint sounds of the knife chopping and the oven being preheated.

"Well, the trip is good so far and we met this girl named Danielle" I paused. "She invited all of us to the bone fire later this week."

"Oh, wow that sounds like a lot of fun just don't stay out too late" replied Mom rinsing her hands under the running kitchen faucet.

I slide my body across the bar stool under the marble countertop. Pressing the phone close to my ear so that no one else can hear.

My hands lay flat on the countertop feeling the coolness under the palms of both my hands.

"Here," Mom said. Her voice is a bit further away from the speaker and the sounds of kitchen tools being turned over.

There's a long pause over the line and I decide to wait even though I just want to click off. Maybe call her again at a better time.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I questioned my voice sounding a bit too desperate for something so simple as a phone call with your parents.

"Oh, hi honey your mother is making her famous lasagna again" replied Dad. He is trying to mask the slight annoyance in his voice or is just afraid of what his wife might do.

"C'mon Dad you love mom's famous lasagna" I announced biting into an apple its contents sloshing around in my mouth.

"Look, I do love your mother's lasagna but I feel like I've had enough of it," said Dad quietly going up the steps and locking himself in a room.


"Shh, I'm hiding from your mom"

I quickly scurry over to the couch and lay down lazily on it, the living room temperature easily chills with the sudden roar and clanking noise of the AC.

Mikayla gives me a look of confusion tilting her head sideways to come up with her idea of what's going on.

"Dad you should leave the room and sneak out make sure she doesn't see you" I whisper into the speakerphone to aid him in this so-called mission.

"I can't leave the room, she's right outside the door!" announced Dad whisper yelling, and trying to keep cool, calm, and collected at this moment.

I let out a hearty laugh from the deepest parts of my diaphragm, the insides of my stomach clenched inward tightly.

Hug myself inside the burgundy hoodie with bright white lettering, the sweater makes it easier to manage the chill air of the AC inserted in one of the windows in the main living room.

"Well, Sky I have to go now but have fun and don't do anything too irresponsible" Dad paused. "Okay?"

"Alright Dad" I replied. The urge to roll my eyes is there, but I know deep down he means well just can be a bit overbearing.

"Bye I love you"

"I love you too Dad"

The phone call ends, fades into the home screen notifications from Instagram, Pinterest, and a few updates from my favorite YouTube channels.

"Hey, I'm kinda in the mood for some ice cream," said Mikayla sitting up on the couch and eating some peach rings.

"Well, we could go to this ice cream shop on the boardwalk it's not too far from here" I replied.

Grabbing the house key on a hook near the front door and looks for a pair of comfy shoes to wear.

"Now, where are Ezra and Justin" Mikayla paused. "Because it's too quiet and that is never a good thing."

With a rumble of feet coming quickly down the stairs, Justin runs through open spaces in the house and hides on the porch.

"Where is he?" asked Ezra panting heavily his chest raising with every breath and beads of sweat on his brow.

"Justin went into the porch at the end of the hallway, and hurry up because we're getting ice cream" I answered while putting on my favorite pair of Converse lying by the front door.

"We should go and they can meet up with us later" replied Mikayla grabbing her headphones off the coffee table.

The boardwalk is easily swarmed with people in their bathing suits and swim trucks water dripping from their bodies, while other people dress up in clothes that just scream summer itself.

I grab my tinted blue shades from my faded jeans pocket and take in the warm heat from the sun.

The sign above the ice cream shop is faded and can barely make out the lettering if someone had a 20/20 version.

Me and Mikayla join the line it wasn't too bad just the occasional Karens and the little kids that couldn't make up their minds about an ice cream flavor.

"Next!" The store employee yelled from behind the counter.

I take a glance at the menu board above all kinds of flavors written in chalk, and other flavors I've never heard of before.

"Hi, can I have French vanilla in a cone, please?" I said approaching the cash register and resting my hands against the ledge.

"And what about you? What would you like?" asked the employee setting my order down on the counter.

"Oh, sorry can I have strawberry in a bowl, please?" asked Mikayla looking up from her phone screen.

"What size do you want it in?" responded the employee scooping out the strawberry-flavored ice cream.

"Small is fine, thanks" answered Mikayla moving away from the crowd forming behind us.

After receiving our ice cream we settle in a booth, with checkered floors all over, an old photograph of the owners, and an award plaque above the employees-only sign.

I take a scoop of my ice cream and instantly feel like a kid again, even though the flavor is the same but the nostalgia hits a bit harder now.

The soft jingle of the bell catches my attention, head turns in that direction to see who came through the door.

"The fun has arrived ladies and gentlemen I know you guys have been waiting for me," said Justin dramatically sliding in next to Mikayla.

"No offense I wouldn't call you fun, you're more of a buzzkill than ever" responded Mikayla taking one last scoop of her ice cream and savoring every last bit of it.

"Ouch, I don't know how you'll get over that one" announced Ezra teasingly towards Mikayla's last comment.

I look out the glass window at a beautiful sunset reflecting across a sea of clouds.

The waves crashed against the sand and sounds of laughter bounced off the walls of the ice cream shop.

The waves crashed against the sand and sounds of laughter bounced off the walls of the ice cream shop

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                     AUTHOR'S NOTE

Hello! Fellow readers, I am deeply sorry for the late upload trying to get ready for the new school year!

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